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datasets:icare [2020/11/30 21:40]
Simon Haller-Seeber
datasets:icare [2020/11/30 21:41] (current)
Simon Haller-Seeber [Dataset Features]
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   * Eye movements were tracked with a Tobii X2-60 eye tracking device, satisfying the recommended distances   * Eye movements were tracked with a Tobii X2-60 eye tracking device, satisfying the recommended distances
     * Gaze data was saved as [[http://​​tobii.research/​python/​reference/​​classtobii__research_1_1GazeData.html|Gazedata objects]] from Tobii     * Gaze data was saved as [[http://​​tobii.research/​python/​reference/​​classtobii__research_1_1GazeData.html|Gazedata objects]] from Tobii
-  * Publicly available to [[https://​​public/​datasets/​icare/​|Download]] (~300MB).+  * Publicly available to [[https://​​public/​datasets/​icare/​|Download]] (~270MB).
 ==== Sample Images of Tasks ==== ==== Sample Images of Tasks ====
datasets/icare.1606768851.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/11/30 21:40 by Simon Haller-Seeber