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downloads:phoenix-annotations [2012/07/05 12:19]
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-<h2 class="​sectionedit1"><​a name="​face_shape_annotations_for_the_rwth-phoenix_corpus"​ id="​face_shape_annotations_for_the_rwth-phoenix_corpus">​Face shape annotations for the RWTH-PHOENIX corpus</​a></​h2>​ 
-<div class="​level2">​ 
-The following archive available for <a href="/​public/​RWTH-PHOENIX-face-shape-annotations.tar.gz">​download</​a>​ contains face shape annotations – along with the corresponding images – for the seven signers who appear in the RWTH-PHOENIX corpus. 
-The archive contains one directory per signer, each of which contains an “images” subdirectory and a “points” subdirectory. All image files are 300&​times;​260 <acronym title="​Portable Network Graphics">​PNG</​acronym>​ images. 
-All face shape annotation files are <acronym title="​American Standard Code for Information Interchange">​ASCII</​acronym>​ files with the filename extension ”.pts”. 
-<a href="/​public/​RWTH-PHOENIX-face-shape-annotations.tar.gz">​Download RWTH-PHOENIX face shape annotations here!</​a>​ 
-<​h4><​a name="​distribution_of_the_annotated_images_among_the_signers"​ id="​distribution_of_the_annotated_images_among_the_signers">​Distribution of the annotated images among the signers</​a></​h4>​ 
-<div class="​level4">​ 
-In total 369 images from the RWTH-PHOENIX corpus have been manually annotated with the face shape. 
-<div class="​table sectionedit2"><​table class="​inline">​ 
-<tr class="​row0">​ 
-<th class="​col0 leftalign">​ Signer ​     </​th><​th class="​col1">​ # annotated images </th> 
-<tr class="​row1">​ 
-<td class="​col0">​ Signer01 </​td><​td class="​col1 centeralign"> ​ 61  </td> 
-<tr class="​row2">​ 
-<td class="​col0">​ Signer02 </​td><​td class="​col1 centeralign"> ​ 65  </td> 
-<tr class="​row3">​ 
-<td class="​col0">​ Signer03 </​td><​td class="​col1 centeralign"> ​ 62  </td> 
-<tr class="​row4">​ 
-<td class="​col0">​ Signer04 </​td><​td class="​col1 centeralign"> ​ 51  </td> 
-<tr class="​row5">​ 
-<td class="​col0">​ Signer05 </​td><​td class="​col1 centeralign"> ​ 35  </td> 
-<tr class="​row6">​ 
-<td class="​col0">​ Signer06 </​td><​td class="​col1 centeralign"> ​ 42  </td> 
-<tr class="​row7">​ 
-<td class="​col0">​ Signer07 </​td><​td class="​col1 centeralign"> ​ 53  </td> 
-<​h4><​a name="​structure_of_a_face_shape_annotation_file_pts_file"​ id="​structure_of_a_face_shape_annotation_file_pts_file">​Structure of a face shape annotation file (&​quot;​.pts&​quot;​ file)</​a></​h4>​ 
-<div class="​level4">​ 
-For each image the face shape annotation consists of the ordered list of the positions of 38 facial landmarks. Each facial landmark 
-– or face shape point – has two coordinates in the coordinate system originating at the top-left corner of the image, with the x-axis pointing right 
-and the y-axis pointing down. The actual structure of a ”.pts” file is as follows: 
-<pre class="​code">​version:​ 1 
-n_points: 38 
-  x_1  y_1 
-  x_2  y_2 
-  ... 
-  x_38 y_38 
-<img src="/​auth/​_media/​downloads/​phoenix-example.png"​ class="​medialeft"​ align="​left"​ title="​Face shape annotation example"​ alt="​Face shape annotation example"​ /> 
-A possible interpretation of the shape points as face parts is as follows (using zero-based indexing in the list of points of a ”.pts” file): 
-<div class="​table sectionedit3"><​table class="​inline">​ 
-<tr class="​row0">​ 
-<th class="​col0 leftalign">​ Shape point indices ​ </​th><​th class="​col1">​ Face part </th> 
-<tr class="​row1">​ 
-<td class="​col0">​0-1-2 </​td><​td class="​col1">​ upper part of the left eyebrow</​td>​ 
-<tr class="​row2">​ 
-<td class="​col0">​3-4-5 </​td><​td class="​col1">​ upper part of the right eyebrow</​td>​ 
-<tr class="​row3">​ 
-<td class="​col0">​6-7-8-9 </​td><​td class="​col1">​ eyelids of the left eye</​td>​ 
-<tr class="​row4">​ 
-<td class="​col0">​10-11-12-13 </​td><​td class="​col1">​ eyelids of the right eye</​td>​ 
-<tr class="​row5">​ 
-<td class="​col0">​14-15 </​td><​td class="​col1">​ nasal ridge</​td>​ 
-<tr class="​row6">​ 
-<td class="​col0">​16-17 </​td><​td class="​col1">​ nasal base</​td>​ 
-<tr class="​row7">​ 
-<td class="​col0">​18-19-20-21-25-24 </​td><​td class="​col1">​ upper lip</​td>​ 
-<tr class="​row8">​ 
-<td class="​col0">​18-23-22-21-26-27 </​td><​td class="​col1">​ lower lip</​td>​ 
-<tr class="​row9">​ 
-<td class="​col0">​28-29-30-31-32-33-34-35-36-37 </​td><​td class="​col1">​ cheeks and chin</​td>​ 
-Note: The original images from the RWTH-PHOENIX corpus do not have square pixels and come in 210&​times;​260 image resolution. 
-Therefore the annotated data provided here should be scaled appropriately if the goal is to use them to build models that are relevant to 
-the entire corpus. Scaling both our images and our shape annotations by a factor 210/300 
-<​em>​in the horizontal direction only</​em>​ (x-coordinates) will do the trick! 
-<​h4><​a name="​license"​ id="​license">​License</​a></​h4>​ 
-<div class="​level4">​ 
-<a rel="​license"​ href="​http://​​licenses/​by-nc-sa/​3.0/"><​img align="​left"​ alt="​Creative Commons License"​ style="​border-width:​0"​ src="/​auth/​_media/​downloads/​by-nc-sa.png"​ /></​a><​span xmlns:​dct="​http://​​dc/​terms/"​ href="​http://​​dc/​dcmitype/​Dataset"​ property="​dct:​title"​ rel="​dct:​type">&​nbsp Face shape annotations for the RWTH-PHOENIX corpus</​span>​ by <span xmlns:​cc="​http://​​ns#"​ property="​cc:​attributionName">​Thomas Hoyoux, <a href="​https://​">​IIS Lab</​a>,​ University of Innsbruck,</​span>​ are licensed under a <a rel="​license"​ href="​http://​​licenses/​by-nc-sa/​3.0/">​Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License</​a>​. To view a copy of this license, visit <a href="​http://​​licenses/​by-nc-sa/​3.0/">​http://​​licenses/​by-nc-sa/​3.0/</​a>​ or send a letter to Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View, California 94140, USA. 
-=== Acknowledgment === 
-This work was partially funded by the European Community'​s Seventh Framework Programme FP7/​2007-2013 (Specific Programme Cooperation,​ Theme 3, Information and Communication Technologies) under grant agreement no. 231424, [[http://​​|SignSpeak]]. 
downloads/phoenix-annotations.1341483595.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/09/03 14:57 (external edit)