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 See our [[:|front page]] for the most recent news. See our [[:|front page]] for the most recent news.
-<​HTML><​table><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2018-02-09</​td><​td>​Simon Haller and Nicolas Stolz teach a tutorial <​i>​Digitale Selbstverteidigung:​ Security und Privacy im Internet</​i>​Safer Internet Tag, Jugenzentrum Tivoli.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2017-12-13</​td><​td>​Simon Haller teaches a tutorial <​i>​Build your own Mini Robot</​i>​AK Informatiklehrer,​ Universität Innsbruck.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2017-12-01</​td><​td>​Justus Piater appears in the media: <a href="​https://​​informatik/​news/​medienspiegel/​nachlesen/​01122017_zukunftforschung_piater.pdf">​Frage+<​HTML><​table><tr valign="​top"><​td>​2023-06-05</​td><​td>​Justus Piater gives an invited talk <​i>​Generative Künstliche Intelligenz</​i>​ at <a href="​https://​​de/​foerderkreis1669/​aktuelles/​forum-forderkreis-1669/">​Forum Förderkreis 1669</​a>,​ online.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2023-05-29</​td><​td>​Samuele Tosatto contributes a talk <​i>​Temporal Abstraction via Variable Decision Frequency</​i>​ at <a href="​https://​​view/​rap4robots">​Workshop on effective Reresentations,​ Abstractions,​ and Priors for Robot Learning (ICRA Workshop)</​a>,​ ExCeL London. (Research talk about arXiv:​2212.04407)</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2023-05-25</​td><​td>​Justus Piater gives an invited talk <​i>​Künstliche Intelligenz &amp; ChatGPT: Möglichkeiten und 
 +    Grenzen in der Hochschullehre</​i>​ at <a href="​https://​​itservices/​aktuell/​ki-chatgpt.pdf">​Digitales 
 +    Lehren und Lernen</​a>,​ Medizinische Universität Innsbruck und online. (Informations- und Diskussionsveranstaltung für Bedienstete und Studierende)</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2023-05-23</​td><​td>​Justus Piater gives an invited talk <​i>​Robot Learning – von Imitation bis Kognition</​i>​ at <a href="​https://​​ove-academy/​seminare/​detail/​ove-it-kolloquium-maschinelles-lernen-aktuelle-entwicklungen-und-moegliche-anwendungsbereiche/">​OVE-IT-Kolloquium:​ 
 +    Maschinelles Lernen</​a>,​ OVE, Wien, und online. <span class="​actions"><​a href="​javascript:​void(0)"​ onclick="​showHide('​newsitem14',​ '​Abstract'​)">​[Abstract]</​a></​span><​blockquote id="​newsitem14Abstract"​ style="​display:​none">​Maschinelles Lernen hat vielfältige Anwendungen in der 
 +    Robotik. Roboter können lernen, Trajektorien abzufahren, auf 
 +    Effekte und äußere Ereignisse zu reagieren, Objekte zu erkennen 
 +    und zu manipulieren. In die Praxis halten diese Entwicklungen 
 +    jedoch nur langsam Einzug. Warum ist das so? Ich argumentiere,​ 
 +    dass Robotern - und heutigen KI-Systemen allgemein - echtes 
 +    Verständnis für ihre Umgebung fehlt, mit der sie über 
 +    Datenaustausch interagieren. Dies werde ich anhand einiger 
 +    Beispiele aus unserer Forschung illustrieren,​ mit der wir 
 +    versuchen, das Verständnis von Robotern für ihre Umgebung zu 
 +    erhöhen.</​blockquote></​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2023-05-11</​td><​td>​Simon Haller-Seeber,​ Patrick Hofmann, and Christopher Kelter teach a tutorial <​i>​STAIR Lab Workshop: Programmieren eines autonomen Roboters anhand einer selbstentwickelten KI</​i>​ at INNALP Workshop für die NMS Hötting West, Universität Innsbruck.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2023-05-04</​td><​td>​Justus Piater is a panelist at a public discussion on <a href="​https://​​congress/​bibliothek2023/​programm/​abstracts-donnerstag-nachmittag/​bibliotheken-und-ki.html">​Künstliche 
 +    Intelligenz (KI) in Bibliotheken</​a>,​ Congress Innsbruck. (Podiumsdiskussion am 1. Österreichischen Bibliothekskongress 2023)</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2023-03-29</​td><​td>​Simon Haller-Seeber,​ Christopher Kelter, and Patrick Hofmann teach a tutorial <​i>​Was sind Roboter, was macht eine KI? Entwickle deine eigene KI und programmiere unsere Minibots</​i>​ at Campustag BG/BRG Sillgasse, Universität Innsbruck.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2023-01-21</​td><​td>​Justus Piater appears in the media: <a href="​https://​​6240937/​auch-ein-roboter-muss-hoeflich-sein">​Auch ein Roboter muss höflich sein</​a>​. (Interview by Die Presse (in German))</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2022-12-19</​td><​td>​Marko Zaric and Simon Haller-Seeber teach a tutorial <​i>​Einführung in die Programmierung mit dem BBC Micro:​Bit</​i>​ at Campustag NMS Hötting, Universität Innsbruck.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2022-12-06</​td><​td>​Justus Piater, Matteo Saveriano, Hector Villeda, and Erwan Renaudo appear in the media: <a href="​https://​​ZuFo/​periodical/​pageview/​8251030">​Schritt 
 +    für Schritt</​a>​. (Zukunft Forschung – Das Magazin für Wissenschaft und Forschung der Universität Innsbruck 2 (2022)) <span class="​actions"><​a href="​javascript:​void(0)"​ onclick="​showHide('​newsitem21',​ '​Abstract'​)">​[Abstract]</​a></​span><​blockquote id="​newsitem21Abstract"​ style="​display:​none">​Justus Piater lehrt seinem Roboter das Lernen – mit 
 +    Erfolg. So lernte der Roboter, wie sich ­ Objekte bewegen, wenn er 
 +    sie anschubst, und wie er diese stapeln kann. Nun soll er sich aus 
 +    gelernten ­Bewegungen neue erschließen und mit dem Menschen 
 +    interagieren lernen.</​blockquote></​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2022-12-01</​td><​td>​Justus Piater, Erwan Renaudo, and Matthias Schurz appear in the media: <a href="​https://​​de/​mithilfe-der-psychologie-forscher-wollen-robotern-soziale-faehigkeiten-beibringen/">​Mithilfe 
 +    der Psychologie:​ Forscher wollen Robotern soziale Fähigkeiten 
 +    beibringen</​a>​. (Interview by Innovation Origins) <span class="​actions"><​a href="​javascript:​void(0)"​ onclick="​showHide('​newsitem22',​ '​Abstract'​)">​[Abstract]</​a></​span><​blockquote id="​newsitem22Abstract"​ style="​display:​none">​Nachhaltigkeit - Wenn Roboter in menschlichen Umgebungen 
 +    arbeiten, dann brauchen Sie soziale Fähigkeiten. Forscher wollen 
 +    es ihnen beibringen und dabei das tatsächliche Lernverhalten von 
 +    Menschen nachbilden.</​blockquote></​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2022-11-17</​td><​td>​Simon Haller-Seeber gives an invited talk <​i>​STAIR-Lab Workshop One and Outlook</​i>​ at <a href="​https://​">​INNALP Education Hub Beiratssitzung</​a>,​ Universität Innsbruck.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2022-07-21</​td><​td>​Justus Piater appears in the media: <a href="​https://​​es-regnet-weil-menschen-die-schirme-aufspannen-warum-wir-noch-keine-allzu-grosse-angst-vor-kuenstlicher-intelligenz-haben-muessen/">​„Es 
 +    regnet, weil Menschen die Schirme aufspannen“ – warum wir (noch) 
 +    keine allzu große Angst vor künstlicher Intelligenz haben 
 +    müssen</​a>​. (Makademia - Forschung einfach geknackt)</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2022-06-14</​td><​td>​Justus Piater co-organizes the <a href="​https://​">​Austrian Robotics 
 +    Workshop</​a>​.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2022-06-10</​td><​td>​Simon Haller-Seeber,​ Patrick Hofmann, and Thomas Gatterer teach a tutorial <​i>​Was sind Roboter, was macht eine KI? Entwickle deine eigene KI und programmiere unsere Minibots</​i>​ at Campustag BG/BRG Sillgasse, Universität Innsbruck.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2022-06-02</​td><​td>​Erwan Renaudo contributes a talk <​i>​Deep Learning for Fast Segmentation of E-waste Devices’  
 +    Inner Parts in a Recycling Scenario</​i>​ at <a href="​https://​">​ICPRAI 2022</​a>,​ Paris/​online. <span class="​actions"><​a href="​javascript:​void(0)"​ onclick="​showHide('​newsitem31',​ '​Abstract'​)">​[Abstract]</​a></​span><​blockquote id="​newsitem31Abstract"​ style="​display:​none">​Recycling obsolete electronic devices (E-waste) is a 
 +    dangerous task for human workers. Automated E-waste recycling  
 +    is an area of great interest but challenging for current robotic  
 +    applications. We focus on the problem of segmenting inner parts  
 +    of E-waste devices into manipulable elements. First, we extend  
 +    a dataset of hard-drive disk (HDD) components with labelled  
 +    occluded and non-occluded points of view of the parts, in order  
 +    to increase the diversity and the quality of the learning data  
 +    with different angles. We then perform an extensive evaluation  
 +    with three different state-of-the-art models, namely CenterMask,​ 
 +    BlendMask and SOLOv2 (including variants) and two types of  
 +    metrics: the average precision as well as the frame rate. Our  
 +    results show that instance segmentation using state-of-the-art  
 +    deep learning methods can precisely detect complex shapes along  
 +    with their boundaries, as well as being suited for fast tracking of 
 +    parts in a robotic recycling system. (Rojas et  al. 2022) 
 +    </​blockquote></​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2022-05-20</​td><​td>​Justus Piater appears in the media: <a href="​https://​​podcasts/​tir/​derwoche/​derwoche-maschinenzukunft">​ORF 
 +    Tirol Podcast (in German)</​a>​. <span class="​actions"><​a href="​javascript:​void(0)"​ onclick="​showHide('​newsitem32',​ '​Abstract'​)">​[Abstract]</​a></​span><​blockquote id="​newsitem32Abstract"​ style="​display:​none">​Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) ist bereits heute ein 
 +    täglicher Begleiter, doch vom universellen Haushaltsroboter sind 
 +    wir noch weit entfernt. Automatisierte Systeme werden zwar Jobs 
 +    übernehmen,​ Maschinen werden aber noch lange nicht die 
 +    Weltherrschaft an sich reißen, falls überhaupt. Zur Langen Nacht 
 +    der Forschung spricht Martin Kubin im #derWoche „Maschinenzukunft“ 
 +    mit Prof. Justus Piater vom Institut für Informatik über Chancen 
 +    und Gefahren von KI. Er weiß auch, warum KI etwa die Justiz 
 +    unterstützen kann, aber ein KI-Richter niemals objektiv urteilen 
 +    könnte.</​blockquote></​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2022-05-17</​td><​td>​Erwan Renaudo gives an invited talk <i>A Brief tour of autonomous robots'​ &​quot;​Cognition&​quot;</​i>​ at <a href="​https://​​ag-mueller/​aktuelles/​meldungsdetails-ag-mueller/​2022/​5/​17/​event/​46426-Creating-Agency-and-Cogn/​tx_cal_phpicalendar/">​Creating Agency and Cognition in Automated Systems: What can we learn from the Octopus? International Hybrid Workshop</​a>,​ Innsbruck. <span class="​actions"><​a href="​javascript:​void(0)"​ onclick="​showHide('​newsitem34',​ '​Abstract'​)">​[Abstract]</​a></​span><​blockquote id="​newsitem34Abstract"​ style="​display:​none">​In the design of &​quot;​Cognitive Robots&​quot;​ software architectures,​  
 +    researchers had to face many organizational problems due to  
 +    the particular nature of robots. Not only should they manage  
 +    to achieve complex tasks with long-term goals, but they must  
 +    also be reactive to their surroundings to preserve their environment. 
 +    We will go over several layered control paradigms developed over 
 +    the history of robotics and see how these can relate to the  
 +    knowledge about the Octopus'​ brain organization,​ and discuss  
 +    how the Octopus itself can inspire cognitive robotic research. 
 +    </​blockquote></​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2022-05-11</​td><​td>​Justus Piater gives an invited talk <​i>​Robots That Learn Like Humans?</​i>​ at <a href="​https://​​events/​innsbruck">​Pint of 
 +    Science</​a>,​ Innsbruck. <span class="​actions"><​a href="​javascript:​void(0)"​ onclick="​showHide('​newsitem35',​ '​Abstract'​)">​[Abstract]</​a></​span><​blockquote id="​newsitem35Abstract"​ style="​display:​none">​Wouldn'​t it be great to have a helper robot that we can 
 +    task with our annoying chores? How would we teach the robot to 
 +    perform these tasks? Can we build such robots by equipping them 
 +    with artificial intelligence?​ We will discuss how human and 
 +    machine learning differ and how this impacts what skills, 
 +    including for communication,​ our helper robot will be able to 
 +    learn.</​blockquote></​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2022-04-28</​td><​td>​Simon Haller-Seeber contributes a talk <​i>​STAIR Learning Lab</​i>​ at <a href="​http://​">​Robotics in Education 2022</​a>,​ online.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2022-02-19</​td><​td>​Justus Piater gives an invited talk <​i>​Learning as a Creative Process in Humans and 
 +    Machines</​i>​ at <a href="​https://​​ag-mueller/​online-workshop-on-agency-life-and-creativity/">​Workshop 
 +    on “Agency, Life, and Creativity”</​a>,​ online. <span class="​actions"><​a href="​javascript:​void(0)"​ onclick="​showHide('​newsitem37',​ '​Abstract'​)">​[Abstract]</​a></​span><​blockquote id="​newsitem37Abstract"​ style="​display:​none">​Humans constantly engage in creative activity such as 
 +    finding explanations,​ improving technology, or solving novel 
 +    problems in everyday life. Even imitating other humans, e.g. while 
 +    learning a new skill, is creative in that the imitator has to 
 +    infer the conceptual structure underlying the observed 
 +    manifestation and to regenerate the latter from the former. In 
 +    contrast, current AI-enabled agents are unable to generate and 
 +    draw upon such conceptual structures. Their learning is mostly 
 +    driven by statistics, and any ability to produce novelty is 
 +    largely limited to trial and error. I will try to characterize 
 +    this fundamental difference between learning in human and 
 +    artificial agents, and will discuss possible technological 
 +    approaches that might help close this gap.</​blockquote></​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2021-11-24</​td><​td>​Justus Piater is a panelist at a public discussion on <a href="​https://​​posts/​elsa-innsbruck_letzte-woche-fand-zum-elsa-day-am-24112021-activity-6871397038093869057-16-7">​Privacy 
 +    in the Digital Age</​a>,​ online. (Organized by ELSA Innsbruck)</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2021-10-22</​td><​td>​Justus Piater gives an invited talk <​i>​Robotik und KI in der Medizin – nur 
 +    Bedarfserweckung?</​i>​ at <a href="​https://​​veranstaltungen/">​Medical 
 +    Update Hall 2021 – Fit für das neue Jahrzehnt</​a>,​ UMIT, Hall in Tirol.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2021-08-26</​td><​td>​Justus Piater contributes a talk <​i>​Digital Science at the University of Innsbruck</​i>​ at Aurora Research Conference Digital Society &amp; Global Citizenship,​ Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. <span class="​actions"><​a href="​javascript:​void(0)"​ onclick="​showHide('​newsitem40',​ '​Abstract'​)">​[Abstract]</​a></​span><​blockquote id="​newsitem40Abstract"​ style="​display:​none">​Growing data processing capacities and progress in 
 +    analytical methods and artificial intelligence are motivating 
 +    entire branches of science to raise new questions and to develop 
 +    new approaches. This digital transformation requires progressive,​ 
 +    interdisciplinary synergies between the computational sciences and 
 +    all other scientific disciplines. ​ The Digital Science Center 
 +    (DiSC) at the University of Innsbruck meets this challenge by 
 +    integrating and promoting digitalisation of scientific research. 
 +    In this talk I will present some examples of interdisciplinary 
 +    research by DiSC staff researchers who are experts in specific 
 +    aspects of digital science.</​blockquote></​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2021-08-24</​td><​td>​Justus Piater teaches a tutorial <​i>​Picking and Placing</​i>​ at <a href="​https://​​informatik/​forschung/​gmar-robotics-school-2021.html">​2021 GMAR Summer School</​a>,​ Villa Blanka, Innsbruck.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2021-07-01</​td><​td>​Justus Piater and Matteo Saveriano give an invited talk <​i>​Making Robots Learn to Perceive and Act with Understanding</​i>​ at <a href="​https://​​rest/​entries/​api/​v1/​blobs/​200894">​Workshop 
 +    and Open Lab on Field Robotics - Interdisciplinary aspects of 
 +    robotics and its applications in outdoor scenarios</​a>,​ NOI Techpark, Bolzano, Italy.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2021-05-26</​td><​td>​Justus Piater contributes a talk <​i>​Intelligente und interaktive Systeme</​i>​ at <a href="​http://​​aktuell/">​GMAR Robotics Science 
 +    Talks</​a>,​ online.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2021-03-24</​td><​td>​Justus Piater gives an invited lecture <​i>​Machine Learning, Perception, And Abstract Concepts</​i>​ at Invited lecture at Ontario Tech U, Canada, online. <span class="​actions"><​a href="​javascript:​void(0)"​ onclick="​showHide('​newsitem44',​ '​Abstract'​)">​[Abstract]</​a></​span><​blockquote id="​newsitem44Abstract"​ style="​display:​none">​With every spectacular achievement of a machine learning 
 +    system, the long-elusive AI breakthrough is popularly proclaimed 
 +    to be just around the corner. ​ Most recent successes have been due 
 +    in large part to massive data and computation,​ in particular using 
 +    deep artificial neural networks. ​ But can artificial cognition 
 +    really be achieved just by further scaling up existing 
 +    machine-learning techniques? ​ I discuss examples of simple, 
 +    perceptual problems that are easily solved by humans but very 
 +    difficult for today'​s machine learning methods. ​ These problems 
 +    reflect how humans conceptualize their world. ​ Their mastery is 
 +    thus likely to be an essential prerequisite for autonomous robots 
 +    to attain higher levels of cognitive abilities. ​ To get there, a 
 +    few core issues can be identified that should drive research in 
 +    cognitive robotics.</​blockquote></​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2021-01-28</​td><​td>​Matteo Saveriano gives an invited talk <​i>​Making robots to learn from human observation?</​i>​ at <a href="​https://​​en/​austrian-embassy-ottawa/​news/​events/​detail/​article/​showcasing-young-austrian-scholars-and-scientists-an-original-seven-part-virtual-lectures-ser/">​Showcasing Young Austrian Scholars and Scientists, Austrian cultural forum, Ottawa</​a>,​ online.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2021-01-14</​td><​td>​Matteo Saveriano gives an invited talk <​i>​Hierarchical action decomposition and motion learning for the execution of manipulation tasks</​i>​ at <a href="​http://​​aktuell/">​Hello Tyrol calling! Robotics Talk online, GMAR, Innsbruck</​a>,​ online.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2020-11-19</​td><​td>​Justus Piater gives an invited talk <​i>​Machine Learning in Robotics</​i>​ at <a href="​https://​">​bAIome PI Talk, Center for 
 +    Biomedical AI, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf</​a>,​ online. <span class="​actions"><​a href="​javascript:​void(0)"​ onclick="​showHide('​newsitem48',​ '​Abstract'​)">​[Abstract]</​a></​span><​blockquote id="​newsitem48Abstract"​ style="​display:​none">​Machine Learning increasingly equips robots with 
 +    learning capabilities and flexibility. ​ This will enable them to 
 +    act purposefully in unstructured environments and to react to 
 +    unforeseen events. ​ People can teach them intuitively to perform 
 +    tasks instead of having to program them in painstaking ways. 
 +    Robots can learn from experience and can improve their behavior 
 +    over time.  In this talk I will give an overview of methods, 
 +    opportunities,​ and challenges of machine learning in 
 +    robotics.</​blockquote></​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2020-11-20</​td><​td>​Simon Haller-Seeber and Patrick Lamprecht present a show <​i>​Explainable AI: A sneak peek into the Black-Box</​i>​ at <a href="​https://​​watch?​v=4NVfPwdLnCg&​amp;​t=17m43s">​Science Slam</​a>,​ online.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2020-10-22</​td><​td>​Matteo Saveriano, Erwan Renaudo, Antonio Rodríguez-Sánchez,​ and Justus Piater co-organize the <a href="​https://​​conferences/​hfr2020/">​13th 
 +    International Workshop on Human-Friendly Robotics 
 +    (HFR 2020)</​a>​.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2020-09-30</​td><​td>​Erwan Renaudo contributes a talk <​i>​ROSSINI:​ RobOt kidS deSIgn thiNkIng</​i>​ at <a href="​https://​​gp/​book/​9783030674106">​Robotics in  
 +    Education 2020</​a>,​ online.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2020-06-22</​td><​td>​Justus Piater gives an invited talk <​i>​Conditional Neural Movement Primitives</​i>​ at <a href="​http://​​index.php?​page=reunion&​amp;​idreunion=424">​GdR 
 +    ISIS Réunion Apprentissage et Robotique</​a>,​ online. <span class="​actions"><​a href="​javascript:​void(0)"​ onclick="​showHide('​newsitem52',​ '​Abstract'​)">​[Abstract]</​a></​span><​blockquote id="​newsitem52Abstract"​ style="​display:​none">​Conditional Neural Movement Primitives (CNMP) constitute 
 +    a novel framework for robot programming by demonstration based on 
 +    Conditional Neural Processes (CNP). ​ Like Bayesian methods such as 
 +    Gaussian Processes (GP), CNP learn how target distributions depend 
 +    on data, and can be conditioned on specific data points to infer 
 +    new target distributions at test time.  Unlike GP that are 
 +    expensive to train and scale poorly to high dimensions, CNP are 
 +    neural networks and are trained by gradient descent. ​ CNMP 
 +    leverage CNP to represent motion trajectories that can be 
 +    conditioned,​ at test time, on task paramters such as goal 
 +    locations, via points, and/or force readings. ​ Moreover, CNMP are 
 +    conditioned on sensor readings during execution, resulting in 
 +    robust, reactive behavior. ​ This talk will present an overview of 
 +    how CNMP work and how they can be used in various robot 
 +    applications.</​blockquote></​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2020-06-03</​td><​td>​Justus Piater appears in the media: Wie der Roboter denken lernt. (Newspaper article in Tiroler Tageszeitung)</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2020-01-29</​td><​td>​Justus Piater gives an invited talk <​i>​Digital Science</​i>​ at <a href="​https://​​karriere/​veranstaltungsreihen.html">​Vortragsreihe 
 +    „Primers for Predocs – Strategien für eine erfolgreiche 
 +    Promotion“</​a>,​ Universität Heidelberg. <span class="​actions"><​a href="​javascript:​void(0)"​ onclick="​showHide('​newsitem55',​ '​Abstract'​)">​[Abstract]</​a></​span><​blockquote id="​newsitem55Abstract"​ style="​display:​none">​Massive availability of data and computing power are 
 +    promoting data-driven methods in all areas of science and 
 +    technology. ​ I will describe how the University of Innsbruck 
 +    supports this via its new Digital Science Center, and will give a 
 +    flavor of machine learning for data analysis.</​blockquote></​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2020-01-20</​td><​td>​Joanna Chimiak-Opoka,​ Carina König, and Justus Piater appear in the media: <a href="​https://​​newsroom/​">​Ergänzung Digital Science erfolgreich gestartet – UIBK Newsroom</​a>​. (News report on the successful start of the teaching activities of the Digital Science Center, in German)</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2020-01-03</​td><​td>​Justus Piater gives an invited talk <​i>​Künstliche Intelligenz:​ Grundlagen, Erfolge, 
 +    Herausforderungen</​i>​ at 47. Tagung des Innsbrucker Kreises von MoraltheologInnen 
 +    und SozialethikerInnen,​ Innsbruck. (In German.)</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2019-12-19</​td><​td>​Justus Piater appears in the media: <a href="​https://​​profile/​Tirol-heute/​70023/​Tirol-heute/​14035670/​Alexa-Siri-Co-Spione-im-eigenen-Haus/​14610743">​TV interview by ORF 2 Tirol Heute RedHaus (in German)</​a>​. (Interview about the functioning of Alexa, Siri, and similar systems)</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2019-12-12</​td><​td>​Justus Piater gives an invited lecture <​i>​Too Smart to Be Trusted – Do I Even Want to 
 +    Understand My Robot?</​i>​ at <a href="​http://​">​TrustRobots Lecture series 
 +    Trust in Robots</​a>,​ TU Vienna.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2019-12-05</​td><​td>​IIS guest <span style="​font-weight:​bold">​Heiko Neumann</​span>,​ University of Ulm,  gives an invited colloquium <​i>​Biologically inspired visual-auditory processing – from 
 +    brain-like computation to neuromorphic algorithms</​i>​ at <a href="​https://​​informatik/​forschung/​lunchtime-seminar/​index.html.en">​IFI Lunchtime Seminar</​a>​. <span class="​actions"><​a href="​javascript:​void(0)"​ onclick="​showHide('​newsitem60',​ '​Abstract'​)">​[Abstract]</​a></​span><​blockquote id="​newsitem60Abstract"​ style="​display:​none">​A fundamental task of sensory processing is to detect 
 +    and integrate feature items to group them into perceptual units 
 +    segregating them from other objects and the background. A 
 +    framework is discussed which explains how perceptual grouping at 
 +    early as well as higher-level cognitive stages may be implemented 
 +    in cortex. Different grouping mechanisms are implemented which are 
 +    attuned to basic features and feature combinations and mainly 
 +    evaluated along the forward sweep of stimulus processing. However, 
 +    due to limitations of local feature detection mechanisms and 
 +    inherent ambiguities,​ top-down feedback is required to deliver 
 +    contextual information helping to disambiguate initial 
 +    measurements. Feedback of contextual information is demonstrated 
 +    to improve object recognition performance,​ stabilize learning of 
 +    object categories, and integrate multi-sensory representations. 
 +    The canonical principles of neural computation define a set of 
 +    core operations to implement above-mentioned mechanisms of 
 +    perceptual and cognitive inference. These operations can be 
 +    mapped, in a simplified form, onto neuromorphic platforms to 
 +    emulate brain-like computation. It is demonstrated that an 
 +    architecture composed of canonical circuit mechanisms can be 
 +    mapped onto neuromorphic chip technology facilitating low-energy 
 +    non-von Neumann computation.</​blockquote></​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2019-11-26</​td><​td>​IIS guest <span style="​font-weight:​bold">​Tamim Asfour</​span>,​ Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, ​ gives an invited keynote <​i>​Engineering Humanoids with Motion Intelligence</​i>​ at <a href="​https://​​informatik/​studium/​inday-students/​index.html.en">​inday students</​a>​. <span class="​actions"><​a href="​javascript:​void(0)"​ onclick="​showHide('​newsitem61',​ '​Abstract'​)">​[Abstract]</​a></​span><​blockquote id="​newsitem61Abstract"​ style="​display:​none">​Humanoid robotics plays a central role in robotics 
 +    research as well as in understanding intelligence. Engineering 
 +    humanoid robots that are able to learn from humans and 
 +    sensorimotor experience, to predict the consequences of actions 
 +    and exploit the interaction with the world to extend their 
 +    cognitive horizon remains a research grand challenge. Currently,​ 
 +    we are experiencing AI systems with superhuman performance in 
 +    games, image and speech processing. However, the generation of 
 +    robot behaviors with human-like motion intelligence and 
 +    performance has yet to be achieved. In this talk, I will present 
 +    recent progress towards engineering 24/7 humanoid robots that link 
 +    perception and action to generate intelligent behavior. I will 
 +    show the ARMAR humanoid robots performing complex grasping and 
 +    manipulation tasks in kitchen and industrial environments,​ 
 +    learning actions from human observation and experience as well as 
 +    reasoning about object-action relations.</​blockquote></​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2019-11-25</​td><​td>​Justus Piater gives an invited talk <​i>​Enabling Robots to Learn Abstract Concepts</​i>​ at <a href="​https://​​tricolore2019/​program/">​TriCoLore 
 +    – Creativity | Cognition | Computation</​a>,​ Bolzano, Italy. (International Workshop)</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2019-11-18</​td><​td>​Justus Piater gives an invited talk <​i>​Künstliche Intelligenz in einer menschlichen 
 +    Gesellschaft</​i>​ at Robotik in Medizin und Pflege – Jubiläumssymposium 
 +    des Klinischen Ethikkommittees,​ A.ö. Landeskrankenhaus – Universitätskliniken 
 +    Innsbruck.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2019-11-08</​td><​td>​Justus Piater gives an invited talk <i>AI Transparency in Autonomous Vehicles</​i>​ at <a href="​https://​">​Towards Cognitive 
 +    Vehicles: perception, learning and decision making under 
 +    real-world constraints. Is bio-inspiration helpful?</​a>,​ Macau. (Workshop at the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems)</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2019-11-03</​td><​td>​Justus Piater, Philipp Gschwandtner,​ and Simon Haller appear in the media: Österreich-Bild:​ Bits und Berge - 350 Jahre Forschung in Innsbruck; TV Documentary by ORF 2 (in German).</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2019-10-23</​td><​td>​Simon Haller appears in the media: TV interview by ORF 2 Tirol Heute (in German).</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2019-10-11</​td><​td>​Justus Piater appears in the media: <a href="​https://​​eco.nova/​docs/​eco_06_2019_issuu/​24">​KI oder 
 +    die Geschichte einer gleichzeitigen Über- und Unterschätzung 
 +    (eco.nova, in German)</​a>​. (Comprehensive interview article (6 pages) on artificial intelligence in eco.nova, a nationwide magazine covering trends in economy, science, architectur,​ health &amp; wellness, tax, law, dining and lifestyle)</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2019-10-10</​td><​td>​IIS guest <span style="​font-weight:​bold">​Georg Martius</​span>,​ Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, 
 +    Tübingen, ​ gives an invited colloquium <​i>​Control What You Can – Intrinsically Motivated 
 +    Hierarchical RL</​i>​ at IIS Colloquium. <span class="​actions"><​a href="​javascript:​void(0)"​ onclick="​showHide('​newsitem71',​ '​Abstract'​)">​[Abstract]</​a></​span><​blockquote id="​newsitem71Abstract"​ style="​display:​none">​I will present present a hierarchical reinforcement 
 +    learning agent that is intrinsically motivated to learn how to 
 +    control its observation space in the fastest possible manner by 
 +    optimizing learning progress. The agent mimicks to some extend the 
 +    development process how a baby learns. ​ Our agent learns what can 
 +    be controlled, how to allocate time and attention, and the 
 +    relations between objects in the environment. ​ In a nutshell, our 
 +    work combines several task-level planning ideas (e.g., 
 +    backtracking search on task graph, probabilistic road-maps,​ 
 +    allocation of search efforts, etc.), in the form of structured 
 +    prior, with deep RL control and relational reasoning to learn from 
 +    scratch.</​blockquote></​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2019-10-10</​td><​td>​IIS guest <span style="​font-weight:​bold">​Georg Martius</​span>,​ Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, 
 +    Tübingen, ​ gives an invited colloquium <​i>​Self-Organization of Behavior in Autonomous Robot 
 +    Development</​i>​ at <a href="​https://​​informatik/​forschung/​lunchtime-seminar/​index.html.en">​IFI Lunchtime Seminar</​a>​. <span class="​actions"><​a href="​javascript:​void(0)"​ onclick="​showHide('​newsitem72',​ '​Abstract'​)">​[Abstract]</​a></​span><​blockquote id="​newsitem72Abstract"​ style="​display:​none">​I am studying the question how robots can autonomously 
 +    develop skills. ​ Considering children, it seems natural that they 
 +    have their own agenda. They explore their environment in a playful 
 +    way, without the necessity for somebody to tell them what to do 
 +    next. With robots the situation is different. There are many 
 +    methods to let robots learn to do something, but it is always 
 +    about learning to do a specific task from a supervision 
 +    signal. Unfortunately,​ these methods do not scale well to systems 
 +    with many degrees of freedom, except a good prestructuring is 
 +    available. ​ The hypothesis is that if the robots first learn to 
 +    use their bodies and interact with the environment in a playful 
 +    way they can acquire many small skills with which they can later 
 +    solve complicated tasks much quicker. In the talk I will present 
 +    my steps into this direction. Starting from some general 
 +    information theoretic consideration we provide robots with an own 
 +    drive to do something and explore their behavioral 
 +    capabilities. Technically,​ this is achieved by considering the 
 +    sensorimotor loop as a dynamical system, whose parameters are 
 +    adapted online according to a gradient ascent on an approximated 
 +    information quantity. ​ I'll show examples of simulated and real 
 +    robots behaving in a self-determined way and present future 
 +    directions.</​blockquote></​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2019-07-17</​td><​td>​Matteo Saveriano contributes a talk <​i>​From Intuitive Skill Transfer to Large-Scale Robotic Knowledge Bases</​i>​ at <a href="​https://​​disc/​events/">​DiSCourse - The Digital Science Seminar Series</​a>,​ Department of Computer Science, University of Innsbruck.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2019-07-15</​td><​td>​David Peer contributes a talk <​i>​Vector Routing in Capsule Networks</​i>​ at School of Learning, Perception and Robotics (SPROuT), Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science, University of Trento.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2019-07-15</​td><​td>​Sayantan Auddy contributes a talk <​i>​Progress,​ Compress and Expand - A framework for lifelong learning of 
 +robotics tasks</​i>​ at School of Learning, Perception and Robotics (SPROuT), Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science, University of Trento.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2019-07-15</​td><​td>​Justus Piater contributes a talk <​i>​Towards Open-Ended Robot Learning</​i>​ at School of Learning, Perception and Robotics (SPROuT), Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science, University of Trento.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2019-07-15</​td><​td>​Matteo Saveriano contributes a talk <​i>​Learning Structured Robotic Tasks via Human Imitation</​i>​ at School of Learning, Perception and Robotics (SPROuT), Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science, University of Trento.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2019-07-12</​td><​td>​Simon Haller and Nicolas Stolz appear in the media: Sport und Roboter gehen Hand in Hand (in Liechtensteiner Vaterland).</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2019-07-04</​td><​td>​Simon Haller teaches a tutorial <​i>​Introduction to Prototyping autonomous Robots using the Robot 
 +Operating System (ROS)</​i>​ at Institut für Informatik, Universität Innsbruck.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2019-06-27</​td><​td>​Justus Piater gives an invited talk <​i>​Selbst lernende Roboter der Zukunft</​i>​ at <a href="​http://​​aktuell/">​GMAR Robotics Talks 
 +    Reloaded</​a>,​ Vienna.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2019-06-27</​td><​td>​Simon Haller teaches a tutorial <​i>​Künstliche Intelligenz und Robotik - Ein Überblick und Reality Check</​i>​ at Campustag NMS Götzis, Institut für Informatik, Universität Innsbruck.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2019-06-13</​td><​td>​Simon Haller gives an invited talk <​i>​Coding Literacy – 
 +    Konzepte und Anwendungen in der Schule und im Alltag</​i>​ at <a href="​https://​​events/​2019/​06/​13/​kuenstliche-intelligenz-und-robotik-als-theologisch-ethische-...">​Künstliche 
 +    Intelligenz und Robotik als theologisch-ethische 
 +    Herausforderung</​a>,​ Universität Innsbruck. (Tagung organisiert vom Institut für Islamische Theologie und Religionspädagogik)</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2019-06-13</​td><​td>​Justus Piater gives an invited talk <​i>​Künstliche Intelligenz in einer menschlichen 
 +    Gesellschaft</​i>​ at <a href="​https://​​events/​2019/​06/​13/​kuenstliche-intelligenz-und-robotik-als-theologisch-ethische-...">​Künstliche 
 +    Intelligenz und Robotik als theologisch-ethische 
 +    Herausforderung</​a>,​ Universität Innsbruck. (Tagung organisiert vom Institut für Islamische Theologie und Religionspädagogik)</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2019-05-24 – 2020-12-31</​td><​td>​Erwan Renaudo edits a guest edition <a href="​https://​​research-topics/​10337/​computational-models-of-affordance-for-robotics/">​Special Issue on Computational Models of Affordance in Robotics</​a>​ in <a href="​https://​​journals/​neurorobotics">​Frontiers in Neurorobotics</​a>​. (Special Issue organized as a follow-up of the Workshop at the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation)</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2019-05-24</​td><​td>​Philipp Zech and Erwan Renaudo co-organize the <a href="​https://​​iwcmar/">​2nd International 
 +    Workshop on Computational Models of Affordance in Robotics 
 +    </​a>​.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2019-05-09</​td><​td>​Erwan Renaudo contributes a talk <​i>​Action representations in robotics: A taxonomy  
 +    and systematic classification</​i>​ at <a href="​https://​​informatik/​forschung/​lunchtime-seminar/​events/​2019-05-09.html">​IFI 
 +    Lunchtime Seminar</​a>,​ Universität Innsbruck.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2019-05-02</​td><​td>​Justus Piater gives an invited talk <​i>​Digitalization:​ Promises and Challenges</​i>​ at <a href="​https://​​nachrichten/​innovation-trifft-geschichte-oder-wie-kommunizieren-wir-digital-und-analog.html">​Möglichkeiten 
 +    und Herausforderungen der Digitalisierung</​a>,​ Universität Innsbruck. (7. Interdisziplinäres Doktorandenkolloquium im Rahmen der Kooperation zwischen der Andrássy Universität Budapest und der Autonomen Region Trentino-Südtirol)</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2019-04-26 – 2019-04-27</​td><​td>​Birgit Juen, Cornelia Vidovic, Manuela Resch, Justus Piater, and Simon Haller co-organize the <a href="​https://​​informatik/​schule/​robocupjunior/​">​RoboCup Junior Austrian Open 2019</​a>​.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2019-04-26</​td><​td>​Justus Piater appears in the media: TV interview on educational and societal aspects of robot 
 +    technology by ORF 2 Tirol Heute (in German). (TV report on the RoboCup Junior Austrian Open 2019)</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2019-03-28</​td><​td>​Simon Haller teaches a tutorial <​i>​Coding und Robotik - Makerspaces mit Einplatinencomputern</​i>​ at <a href="​https://​​content/​programmablauf-2019">​eFuture-Day</​a>,​ Grillhof Vill.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2019-03-26</​td><​td>​Justus Piater contributes a talk <​i>​Selbst lernende Roboter der Zukunft</​i>​ at <a href="​https://​​page.cfm?​vpath=veranstaltungen&​amp;​genericpageid=25174">​GMAR Robotics Talk: Robotik in Fertigung, Montage und 
 +    Forschung</​a>,​ INNIO Jenbacher.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2019-03-26</​td><​td>​Justus Piater co-organizes the <a href="​https://​​page.cfm?​vpath=veranstaltungen&​amp;​genericpageid=25174">​GMAR Robotics Talk: Robotik in Fertigung, Montage und 
 +    Forschung</​a>​.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2019-02-20</​td><​td>​Justus Piater gives an invited talk <​i>​Künstliche Intelligenz in der Robotik</​i>​ at <a href="​https://​​e/​smart-city-finale-2019-tickets-56007354505">​Smart City Finale 2019</​a>,​ HTL Dornbirn.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2019-01-10</​td><​td>​Justus Piater gives an invited talk <​i>​High-Level,​ Skill-Based Robot Programming Using Autonomous 
 +    Playing and Autonomous Testing</​i>​ at <a href="​https://​​page.cfm?​vpath=veranstaltungen&​amp;​genericpageid=23118">​Taste Digitalization – CAMPUS:​digi:​TOUR (4)</​a>,​ ICT, Universität Innsbruck.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2018-10-27</​td><​td>​Justus Piater appears in the media: <a href="​https://​​story/​2000085351600/​des-menschen-angst-vor-der-maschine">​Des Menschen Angst vor der Maschine. Newspaper 
 +    article (Der Standard) following interview</​a>​.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2018-10-05</​td><​td>​Justus Piater gives an invited talk <​i>​Perception of Abstract Concepts</​i>​ at <a href="​http://​">​Unconventional Sensing and 
 +    Processing for Robotic Visual Perception</​a>,​ Madrid, Spain. (Workshop at the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems)</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2018-09-21</​td><​td>​Justus Piater gives an invited talk <​i>​Concept Learning For Robot Intelligence</​i>​ at <a href="​https://​​congress/​quantum-machine-learning-plus/​index.html.en">​Conference 
 +    on Quantum Machine Learning Plus</​a>,​ Innsbruck, Austria. <span class="​actions"><​a href="​javascript:​void(0)"​ onclick="​showHide('​newsitem102',​ '​Abstract'​)">​[Abstract]</​a></​span><​blockquote id="​newsitem102Abstract"​ style="​display:​none">​Current robot learning, and machine learning in general, 
 +    requires carefully-engineered setups (environments,​ objective 
 +    functions, training data, etc.) for learning to succeed. 
 +    Perception and action spaces are specially crafted to meet the 
 +    requirements of the learning objective, which is specified in 
 +    advance. ​ How can we construct robot learning systems that can 
 +    learn in an open-ended fashion, acquire skills not foreseen by its 
 +    designers, and scale up to virtually unlimited levels of 
 +    complexity? ​ I argue that a key to achieving this lies in the 
 +    robot'​s ability to learn abstract concepts that can be reused as a 
 +    basis for future learning, both in autonomous exploration and for 
 +    teaching by humans.</​blockquote></​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2018-07-17</​td><​td>​Simon Haller and Nicolas Stolz appear in the media: <a href="​https://​​informatik/​news/​medienspiegel/​nachlesen/​2018_07_17_roboter_zu_besuch_in_liechtenstein-liechtensteiner-vaterland.pdf">​ 
 +    Roboter zu Besuch in Liechtenstein 
 +    </​a>​.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2018-07-03</​td><​td>​Simon Haller teaches a tutorial <​i>​Wie kann ein Roboter lernen, die Welt zu verstehen?</​i>​ at Campustag BORG Schwaz, Universität Innsbruck.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2018-06-30</​td><​td>​Philipp Zech, Barry Ridge, and Emre Ugur co-organize the <a href="​https://​​rss-workshop/">​1st 
 +    International Workshop on Computational Models of Affordance in 
 +    Robotics</​a>​.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2018-06-30</​td><​td>​Justus Piater gives an invited talk <​i>​Objects,​ Parts, Functions, Affordances,​ Actions, and Tasks</​i>​ at <a href="​https://​​rss-workshop/">​1st 
 +    International Workshop on Computational Models of Affordance in 
 +    Robotics</​a>,​ Pittsburgh, PA, USA. (Workshop at the Robotics: Science and Systems conference) <span class="​actions"><​a href="​javascript:​void(0)"​ onclick="​showHide('​newsitem107',​ '​Abstract'​)">​[Abstract]</​a></​span><​blockquote id="​newsitem107Abstract"​ style="​display:​none">​Human-made objects are constructed with functional 
 +    parts. ​ These are closely related to affordances;​ e.g., a handle 
 +    is a part whose function is to be grasped and that affords 
 +    grasping. ​ It is these affordances that robots need to detect to 
 +    perform tasks flexibly using unknown objects. ​ Since affordances 
 +    are often associated with parts, it makes sense for the 
 +    segmentation of unknown objects into parts for affordance 
 +    detection to be driven by known affordances. ​ Then, the 
 +    suitability of an object for a given task is often characterized 
 +    by the combination of the actions its various parts afford. For 
 +    example, to drive a nail into the wall you would like an object 
 +    that possesses a part that affords pounding and another that 
 +    affords grasping. ​ I will discuss methods that allow robots to 
 +    learn to segment objects in terms of their affordances,​ and to 
 +    learn the suitability of objects for specific tasks as a function 
 +    of their combination of affordances.</​blockquote></​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2018-06-12</​td><​td>​Justus Piater, Simon Haller, and Olaf Köhler appear in the media: <a href="​https://​​newsroom/​">​ 
 +    Music Globe und Cubeat 
 +    </a>. (Newsroom of the University of Innsbruck)</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2018-06-12</​td><​td>​Simon Haller teaches a tutorial <​i>​Robotics im Klassenzimmer</​i>​ at <a href="​https://​​informatik/​schule/​inday-teachers/​">​InDay Teachers 2018</​a>,​ Universität Innsbruck.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2018-04-24</​td><​td>​Justus Piater gives an invited talk <​i>​Intelligente Roboter – Freund, Feind oder 
 +    Hirngespinst?</​i>​ at <a href="​http://​​innsbruck18-di-machine">​Popular 
 +    science talk within the WissensDurst series</​a>,​ Innsbruck, Austria.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2018-04-11</​td><​td>​Justus Piater is a panelist at a public discussion on <a href="​https://​​fakultaeten/​rechtswissenschaftliche/​aktuelles/​2018/​podiumsdiskussion--ai---wird-der-mensch-ersetzbar-.html">​AI 
 +    – Wird der Mensch ersetzbar?, organized by the Faculty of Law and 
 +    the European Law Students’ Association Austria</​a>,​ Innsbruck, Austria.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2018-04-10</​td><​td>​Philipp Zech, Justus Piater, and Cornelia Vidovic appear in the media: <a href="​http://​​lebensart/​web/​14222291-91/​roboter-bauen-ist-ja-kinderleicht.csp">​ 
 +      Roboter bauen? Ist ja kinderleicht 
 +    </a>. (Newspaper article in Tiroler Tageszeitung)</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2018-04-05</​td><​td>​Justus Piater contributes a talk <​i>​High-Level,​ Skill-Based Robot Programming Using Autonomous 
 +    Playing and Autonomous Testing</​i>​ at RSS Area Chair Symposium, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2018-03-23</​td><​td>​Simon Haller teaches a tutorial <​i>​Was sind Roboter? Wie verstehen Roboter? Wie baut man einen einfachen Roboter?</​i>​ at Campustag BG/BRG Sillgasse, Universität Innsbruck.</​td></​tr><tr valign="​top"><​td>​2018-02-09</​td><​td>​Simon Haller and Nicolas Stolz teach a tutorial <​i>​Digitale Selbstverteidigung:​ Security und Privacy im Internet</​i> ​at Safer Internet Tag, Jugenzentrum Tivoli.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2017-12-13</​td><​td>​Simon Haller teaches a tutorial <​i>​Build your own Mini Robot</​i> ​at AK Informatiklehrer,​ Universität Innsbruck. ​(Build and code your own mini robot.)</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2017-12-01</​td><​td>​Justus Piater appears in the media: <a href="​https://​​informatik/​news/​medienspiegel/​nachlesen/​01122017_zukunftforschung_piater.pdf">​Frage
     der Tradition. ​ Interview about Open Access publishing by Zukunft     der Tradition. ​ Interview about Open Access publishing by Zukunft
     Forschung, the science and research magazine of the University of     Forschung, the science and research magazine of the University of
     Innsbruck</​a>​.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2017-11-24</​td><​td>​Justus Piater gives an invited talk <​i>​Scale Up Machine Learning, And Cognition Will Emerge. ​ Will     Innsbruck</​a>​.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2017-11-24</​td><​td>​Justus Piater gives an invited talk <​i>​Scale Up Machine Learning, And Cognition Will Emerge. ​ Will
-    It?</​i>​<a href="​http://​​index.php?​page=2017-zurich-general-info">​EUCognition +    It?</​i> ​at <a href="​http://​​index.php?​page=2017-zurich-general-info">​EUCognition 
-    Meeting</​a>,​ Zürich, Switzerland.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2017-11-15</​td><​td>​Simon Haller teaches a tutorial <​i>​Digitale Kompetenzen entwickeln mit Micro:Bits, Calliope Mini und Co</​i>​<a href="​https://​​medien-kommunikation/​events/​workshops/​eintraege/​digitale-kompetenzen-entwickeln-mit-microbits-calliope-mini-co.html">​Programm EduMediaLab 2017</​a>,​ Universität Innsbruck.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2017-11-09</​td><​td>​Simon Haller and Philipp Zech teach a tutorial <​i>​Wie kann ein Roboter lernen, die Welt zu verstehen?</​i>​<a href="​http://​​vwa-und-diplomarbeiten/">​VWA- und Diplomarbeitentag</​a>,​ Universität Innsbruck.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2017-10-05</​td><​td>​Justus Piater gives an invited talk <​i>​Open-Ended Robot Learning: First Steps and Next +    Meeting</​a>,​ Zürich, Switzerland.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2017-11-15</​td><​td>​Simon Haller teaches a tutorial <​i>​Digitale Kompetenzen entwickeln mit Micro:Bits, Calliope Mini und Co</​i> ​at <a href="​https://​​medien-kommunikation/​events/​workshops/​eintraege/​digitale-kompetenzen-entwickeln-mit-microbits-calliope-mini-co.html">​Programm EduMediaLab 2017</​a>,​ Universität Innsbruck.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2017-11-09</​td><​td>​Simon Haller and Philipp Zech teach a tutorial <​i>​Wie kann ein Roboter lernen, die Welt zu verstehen?</​i> ​at <a href="​http://​​vwa-und-diplomarbeiten/">​VWA- und Diplomarbeitentag</​a>,​ Universität Innsbruck. ​(VWA- und Diplomarbeitentag für Schülerinnen und Schüler von AHS und BHS.)</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2017-10-05</​td><​td>​Justus Piater gives an invited talk <​i>​Open-Ended Robot Learning: First Steps and Next 
-    Challenges</​i>​<a href="​http://​">​The+    Challenges</​i> ​at <a href="​http://​">​The
     Third International Workshop on Intrinsically Motivated Open-ended     Third International Workshop on Intrinsically Motivated Open-ended
     Learning (IMOL 2017)</​a>,​ Rome, Italy.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2017-09-24</​td><​td>​Justus Piater co-organizes the <a href="​http://​​iros2017_hr/">​IEEE/​RSJ IROS     Learning (IMOL 2017)</​a>,​ Rome, Italy.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2017-09-24</​td><​td>​Justus Piater co-organizes the <a href="​http://​​iros2017_hr/">​IEEE/​RSJ IROS
Line 15: Line 310:
     influence of the human role</​a>​.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2017-09-15</​td><​td>​Justus Piater is a panelist at a public discussion on <a href="​https://​​museum-fuer-geschichte/​ihr-besuch/​programm/​events/​event/​6511/​die-maschine-denkt-die-maschine-lenkt">​Die     influence of the human role</​a>​.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2017-09-15</​td><​td>​Justus Piater is a panelist at a public discussion on <a href="​https://​​museum-fuer-geschichte/​ihr-besuch/​programm/​events/​event/​6511/​die-maschine-denkt-die-maschine-lenkt">​Die
     Maschine denkt – die Maschine lenkt: Wie gefährlich ist Künstliche     Maschine denkt – die Maschine lenkt: Wie gefährlich ist Künstliche
-    Intelligenz?</​a> ​in Graz, Austria.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2017-08-28</​td><​td>​Simon Haller and Andrea Bou-Vinals teach a tutorial <​i>​Bau eines hydraulischen Roboter Arms</​i>​<a href="​https://​​jungeuni/​veranstaltungen/​ksu/​2017/​programm-kinder-sommer-unis.pdf">​Kinder-Sommer-Uni 2017 (Programm)</​a>,​ Universität Innsbruck.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2017-08-25</​td><​td>​Simon Haller and Katharina Seeber teach a tutorial <​i>​Ö1 Children’s University Alpbach – Science and Technology for Kids: +    Intelligenz?</​a>​Graz, Austria.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2017-08-28</​td><​td>​Simon Haller and Andrea Bou-Vinals teach a tutorial <​i>​Bau eines hydraulischen Roboter Arms</​i> ​at <a href="​https://​​jungeuni/​veranstaltungen/​ksu/​2017/​programm-kinder-sommer-unis.pdf">​Kinder-Sommer-Uni 2017 (Programm)</​a>,​ Universität Innsbruck.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2017-08-25</​td><​td>​Simon Haller and Katharina Seeber teach a tutorial <​i>​Ö1 Children’s University Alpbach – Science and Technology for Kids: 
-    Workshop for the construction of hydraulic robot arms</​i>​<a href="​https://​​en/​session/​tec17-o1-childrens-university-alpbach-science-and-technology-for-kids-08-25-09-00/">​European Forum Alpbach 2017 / Technology Symposium</​a>,​ Forum Alpbach.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2017-07-19</​td><​td>​Justus Piater teaches a tutorial <​i>​Learning to Grasp Using More or Less Vision</​i>​<a href="​http://​​soma-summerschool/">​Summer School on +    Workshop for the construction of hydraulic robot arms</​i> ​at <a href="​https://​​en/​session/​tec17-o1-childrens-university-alpbach-science-and-technology-for-kids-08-25-09-00/">​European Forum Alpbach 2017 / Technology Symposium</​a>,​ Forum Alpbach.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2017-07-27</​td><​td>​Justus Piater contributes a talk <​i>​Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen</​i>​ at Sommertechnikum MINT, Universität Innsbruck. (Schnuppervorlesung)</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2017-07-19</​td><​td>​Justus Piater teaches a tutorial <​i>​Learning to Grasp Using More or Less Vision</​i> ​at <a href="​http://​​soma-summerschool/">​Summer School on 
-    Soft Manipulation</​a>,​ Lake Chiemsee, Germany.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2017-06-09</​td><​td>​Simon Haller, Erwan Renaudo, and Philipp Zech present a show <i>1. Tiroler Pop-, Rock- und Tanz-Märchen für Erwachsene - &​quot;​König Laurins Rosengarten&​quot;​ - Open Air</​i>​<a href="​http://​​index.php?​id=170">​Tiroler Märchenfestival</​a>,​ Vögelsberg.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2017-05-23</​td><​td>​Simon Haller teaches a tutorial <i>A quick glance at BBC Micro:Bit and Calliope Mini</​i>​<a href="​http://​​inday-teachers-2017">​“inday teachers”</​a>,​ Universität Innsbruck.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2017-04-21</​td><​td>​Justus Piater gives an invited talk <​i>​Maschinelles Lernen – Eine Einführung mit Blick auf +    Soft Manipulation</​a>,​ Lake Chiemsee, Germany.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2017-06-09</​td><​td>​Simon Haller, Erwan Renaudo, and Philipp Zech present a show <i>1. Tiroler Pop-, Rock- und Tanz-Märchen für Erwachsene - &​quot;​König Laurins Rosengarten&​quot;​ - Open Air</​i> ​at <a href="​http://​​index.php?​id=170">​Tiroler Märchenfestival</​a>,​ Vögelsberg. ​(Mehrfache Auftritte beim 1. Tiroler Pop-, Rock- und Tanz-Märchen für Erwachsene am: 9./​23.6.2017 und 8./​9.7.2017)</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2017-05-23</​td><​td>​Simon Haller teaches a tutorial <i>A quick glance at BBC Micro:Bit and Calliope Mini</​i> ​at <a href="​http://​​inday-teachers-2017">​“inday teachers”</​a>,​ Universität Innsbruck.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2017-05-15</​td><​td>​Justus Piater contributes a talk <​i>​Making Robots Learn to Perceive and Act with Understanding</​i>​ at <a href="​http://​​lc/​web/​2017/​901/​info.php3?​wsid=901&​amp;​venue=Oort">​Lorentz 
-    Digitale Geisteswissenschaften</​i>​<a href="​https://​​brenner-archiv/​xml/​workshop_201704/">​Workshop+    Workshop on Perspectives on Developmental Robotics</​a>,​ Leiden, Netherlands.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2017-04-21</​td><​td>​Justus Piater gives an invited talk <​i>​Maschinelles Lernen – Eine Einführung mit Blick auf 
 +    Digitale Geisteswissenschaften</​i> ​at <a href="​https://​​brenner-archiv/​xml/​workshop_201704/">​Workshop
     über Digitale Methoden in den Geisteswissenschaften</​a>,​ Universität Innsbruck.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2017-03-23</​td><​td>​Justus Piater gives an invited talk <​i>​Progress in Robot Learning – Is Modeling     über Digitale Methoden in den Geisteswissenschaften</​a>,​ Universität Innsbruck.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2017-03-23</​td><​td>​Justus Piater gives an invited talk <​i>​Progress in Robot Learning – Is Modeling
-    Crucial for Success?</​i>​<a href="​https://​​robotics_forum/​events/​systems-engineering---progress-in-robot-modeling---why-modeling-is-crucial-for-success.html">​Systems+    Crucial for Success?</​i> ​at <a href="​https://​​robotics_forum/​events/​systems-engineering---progress-in-robot-modeling---why-modeling-is-crucial-for-success.html">​Systems
     Engineering - Progress in Robot Modeling - Why Modeling is Crucial     Engineering - Progress in Robot Modeling - Why Modeling is Crucial
-    for Success</​a>,​ Edinburgh, Scotland.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2017-03-17</​td><​td>​Simon Haller teaches a tutorial <​i>​Programming the BBC Micro:​Bit</​i>​<a href="​https://​​c703101/​micro-bit">​Slides and Code</​a>,​ AGI, Innsbruck, Angerzellgasse 15 .</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2017-02-05</​td><​td>​Simon Haller appears in the media: <a href="​https://​​public/​simon/​2017_02_06_Haller_TTBeilage.pdf">​Die liebste Himbeere der Bastler. TT Magazin Interview.</​a>​.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2016-12-09</​td><​td>​Justus Piater gives an invited talk <​i>​From Machine Learning to Agency</​i>​<a href="​http://​​index.php?​page=2016-vienna-general-info">​EUCognition Meeting</​a>,​ Vienna, Austria.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2016-11-26</​td><​td>​Justus Piater gives an invited talk <​i>​Roboter für Menschen – Menschen für Roboter</​i>​<a href="​http://​​images/​dateien-hp/​B%C3%BCrgerservice/​Gemeindezeitung_-_Archiv/​Dez-2016-HP.pdf">​Uni im Dorf 2016</​a>,​ Ausservillgraten.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2016-11-26</​td><​td>​Simon Haller and Katharina Seeber teach a tutorial <​i>​Bau eines hydraulischen Roboter Arms</​i>​<a href="​http://​​images/​dateien-hp/​B%C3%BCrgerservice/​Gemeindezeitung_-_Archiv/​Dez-2016-HP.pdf">​Uni im Dorf 2016</​a>,​ Ausservillgraten.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2016-11-08</​td><​td>​Simon Haller teaches a tutorial <​i>​Prototyping (autonomous) Robots using Python and ROS</​i>​<a href="​https://​​c703101/​prototyping-robots">​Slides and Code</​a>,​ Innsbruck, Adamgasse 22.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2016-11-06</​td><​td>​Senka Krivic appears in the media: <a href="​http://​​supergirls/​senka-krivic-razvijam-robote-koji-ce-djeci-pomagati-u-pospremanju-igracaka/">​Webportal +    for Success</​a>,​ Edinburgh, Scotland. ​(Workshop at the European Robotics Forum)</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2017-03-17</​td><​td>​Simon Haller teaches a tutorial <​i>​Programming the BBC Micro:​Bit</​i> ​at <a href="​https://​​c703101/​micro-bit">​Slides and Code</​a>,​ AGI, Innsbruck, Angerzellgasse 15 .</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2017-02-05</​td><​td>​Simon Haller appears in the media: <a href="​https://​​public/​simon/​2017_02_06_Haller_TTBeilage.pdf">​Die liebste Himbeere der Bastler. TT Magazin Interview.</​a>​.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2016-12-09</​td><​td>​Justus Piater gives an invited talk <​i>​From Machine Learning to Agency</​i> ​at <a href="​http://​​index.php?​page=2016-vienna-general-info">​EUCognition Meeting</​a>,​ Vienna, Austria.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2016-11-26</​td><​td>​Justus Piater gives an invited talk <​i>​Roboter für Menschen – Menschen für Roboter</​i> ​at <a href="​http://​​images/​dateien-hp/​B%C3%BCrgerservice/​Gemeindezeitung_-_Archiv/​Dez-2016-HP.pdf">​Uni im Dorf 2016</​a>,​ Ausservillgraten.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2016-11-26</​td><​td>​Simon Haller and Katharina Seeber teach a tutorial <​i>​Bau eines hydraulischen Roboter Arms</​i> ​at <a href="​http://​​images/​dateien-hp/​B%C3%BCrgerservice/​Gemeindezeitung_-_Archiv/​Dez-2016-HP.pdf">​Uni im Dorf 2016</​a>,​ Ausservillgraten.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2016-11-08</​td><​td>​Simon Haller teaches a tutorial <​i>​Prototyping (autonomous) Robots using Python and ROS</​i> ​at <a href="​https://​​c703101/​prototyping-robots">​Slides and Code</​a>,​ Innsbruck, Adamgasse 22.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2016-11-06</​td><​td>​Senka Krivic appears in the media: <a href="​http://​​supergirls/​senka-krivic-razvijam-robote-koji-ce-djeci-pomagati-u-pospremanju-igracaka/">​Webportal 
-article ( following interview (in Bosnian)</​a>​.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2016-10-14</​td><​td>​Justus Piater gives an invited talk <​i>​Bootstrapping Complex Skills by Building on Experience</​i>​<a href="​http://​">​Workshop on Machine Learning Methods for High-Level Cognitive Capabilities</​a>,​ at IROS, Daejeon, Korea.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2016-10-04</​td><​td>​Justus Piater gives an invited talk <​i>​From Machine Learning to Agency</​i>​<a href="​http://​​shonan/​blog/​2015/​10/​31/​cognitive-development-and-symbol-emergence-in-humans-and-robots/">​NII Shonan Meeting on Cognitive Development and Symbol Emergence in Humans and Robots</​a>,​ Shonan Village Center, Japan.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2016-09-26</​td><​td>​Justus Piater gives an invited talk <​i>​From Machine Learning to Agency</​i>​<a href="​http://​">​“Robotics in the 21st century: Challenges and Promises“</​a>,​ Gottingen, Germany.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2016-09-22</​td><​td>​Justus Piater gives an invited talk <​i>​From Machine Learning to Agency</​i>​<a href="​https://​​projects/​agency-and-physics/​events/​aqpic.html">​Conference on Agency and (Quantum) Physics</​a>,​ Konstanz, Germany.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2016-08-12</​td><​td>​Simon Haller and Andrea Bou-Vinals teach a tutorial <​i>​Das Innenleben eines Computers</​i>​<a href="​https://​​jungeuni/​veranstaltungen/​ksu/​kinder-sommer-uni-2016.pdf">​Kinder-Sommer-Uni 2016 (Programm)</​a>,​ Universität Innsbruck.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2016-08-03</​td><​td>​Simon Haller and Andrea Bou-Vinals teach a tutorial <​i>​Das Innenleben eines Computers</​i>​<a href="​https://​​jungeuni/​veranstaltungen/​ksu/​kinder-sommer-uni-2016.pdf">​Kinder-Sommer-Uni 2016 (Programm)</​a>,​ University of Innsbruck.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2016-05-01</​td><​td>​Justus Piater appears in the media: <a href="​http://​​2000035773928/​Wie-Robin-gelernt-hat-einen-Turm-zu-bauen">​Wie Robin gelernt hat, einen Turm zu bauen. Newspaper +article ( following interview (in Bosnian)</​a>​. ​(IT magazine interview on the SQUIRREL project and its challenges intended for a public audience.)</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2016-10-14</​td><​td>​Justus Piater gives an invited talk <​i>​Bootstrapping Complex Skills by Building on Experience</​i> ​at <a href="​http://​">​Workshop on Machine Learning Methods for High-Level Cognitive Capabilities</​a>,​ at IROS, Daejeon, Korea.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2016-10-04</​td><​td>​Justus Piater gives an invited talk <​i>​From Machine Learning to Agency</​i> ​at <a href="​http://​​shonan/​blog/​2015/​10/​31/​cognitive-development-and-symbol-emergence-in-humans-and-robots/">​NII Shonan Meeting on Cognitive Development and Symbol Emergence in Humans and Robots</​a>,​ Shonan Village Center, Japan.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2016-09-26</​td><​td>​Justus Piater gives an invited talk <​i>​From Machine Learning to Agency</​i> ​at <a href="​http://​">​“Robotics in the 21st century: Challenges and Promises“</​a>,​ Gottingen, Germany.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2016-09-22</​td><​td>​Justus Piater gives an invited talk <​i>​From Machine Learning to Agency</​i> ​at <a href="​https://​​projects/​agency-and-physics/​events/​aqpic.html">​Conference on Agency and (Quantum) Physics</​a>,​ Konstanz, Germany.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2016-08-12</​td><​td>​Simon Haller and Andrea Bou-Vinals teach a tutorial <​i>​Das Innenleben eines Computers</​i> ​at <a href="​https://​​jungeuni/​veranstaltungen/​ksu/​kinder-sommer-uni-2016.pdf">​Kinder-Sommer-Uni 2016 (Programm)</​a>,​ Universität Innsbruck.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2016-08-03</​td><​td>​Simon Haller and Andrea Bou-Vinals teach a tutorial <​i>​Das Innenleben eines Computers</​i> ​at <a href="​https://​​jungeuni/​veranstaltungen/​ksu/​kinder-sommer-uni-2016.pdf">​Kinder-Sommer-Uni 2016 (Programm)</​a>,​ University of Innsbruck.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2016-05-01</​td><​td>​Justus Piater appears in the media: <a href="​http://​​2000035773928/​Wie-Robin-gelernt-hat-einen-Turm-zu-bauen">​Wie Robin gelernt hat, einen Turm zu bauen. Newspaper 
-    article (Der Standard) following interview and demonstration</​a>​.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2016-05-01</​td><​td>​Justus Piater appears in the media: <a href="​http://​​lebensart/​11446802-91/​wie-roboter-die-zukunft-der-arbeit-ver%C3%A4ndern.csp">​Wie Roboter die Zukunft der Arbeit verändern. ​ Newspaper +    article (Der Standard) following interview and demonstration</​a>​.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2016-05-01</​td><​td>​Justus Piater appears in the media: <a href="​http://​​lebensart/​11446802-91/​wie-roboter-die-zukunft-der-arbeit-ver%C3%A4ndern.csp">​Wie Roboter die Zukunft der Arbeit verändern.</a>. (Newspaper article ​in Tiroler Tageszeitung following interview)</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2016-05-01</​td><​td>​Simon Haller appears in the media: <a href="​https://​​ausgaben/​mai-2016/​lebensretter-und-rampensaeue/">​Lebensretter und Rampensäue,​ 6020 Interview.</​a>​.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2016-04-21</​td><​td>​Justus Piater, Emre Ugur, and Simon Hangl appear in the media: <a href="​http://​​program/​Tirol-heute/​70023/​Tirol-heute/​12501058/​Lernen-wie-ein-Kind-Lange-Nacht-der-Forschung/​12506816">​TV
-    ​article ​(Tiroler Tageszeitungfollowing interview</a>.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2016-05-01</​td><​td>​Simon Haller appears in the media: <a href="​https://​​ausgaben/​mai-2016/​lebensretter-und-rampensaeue/">​Lebensretter und Rampensäue,​ 6020 Interview.</​a>​.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2016-04-21</​td><​td>​Justus Piater, Emre Ugur, and Simon Hangl appear in the media: <a href="​http://​​program/​Tirol-heute/​70023/​Tirol-heute/​12501058/​Lernen-wie-ein-Kind-Lange-Nacht-der-Forschung/​12506816">​TV+
     report on child-like robot learning by ORF 2 Tirol Heute (in     report on child-like robot learning by ORF 2 Tirol Heute (in
-    German)</​a>​.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2016-04-21</​td><​td>​Justus Piater and Emre Ugur appear in the media: <a href="​http://​​news/​stories/​2769952/">​Web report+    German)</​a>​. ​(TV interview on the SQUIRREL and Xperience projects and their challenges intended for a public audience.)</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2016-04-21</​td><​td>​Justus Piater and Emre Ugur appear in the media: <a href="​http://​​news/​stories/​2769952/">​Web report
     on child-like robot learning by ORF (in German)</​a>​.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2016-04-21</​td><​td>​Justus Piater, Emre Ugur, and Simon Hangl appear in the media: <a href="​http://​​programm/​434380">​Radio report on     on child-like robot learning by ORF (in German)</​a>​.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2016-04-21</​td><​td>​Justus Piater, Emre Ugur, and Simon Hangl appear in the media: <a href="​http://​​programm/​434380">​Radio report on
-    child-like robot learning by ORF Ö1 Wissen Aktuell (in German)</​a>​.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2016-04-16</​td><​td>​Philipp Zech appears in the media: <a href="​https://​​_media/​public/​16042016news_zech_lnf_full.pdf">​Print Article (News)</​a>​.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2016-04-05</​td><​td>​Simon Haller appears in the media: <a href="​http://​​lebensart/​freizeit/​11331126-91/​die-zukunft-der-roboter.csp">​Die Zukunft der Roboter, TT Interview.</​a>​.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2016-04-02 – 2016-04-03</​td><​td>​Simon Haller, Sebastian Stabinger, Cornelia Vidovic, and Justus Piater co-organize the <a href="​http://​​robocupjunior-2016-austrian-open-roboter-im-wettkampf/">​RoboCupJunior Austrian Open 2016</​a>​.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2016-03-02</​td><​td>​Simon Haller gives an invited talk <​i>​Tips and Tricks for Rapid Prototyping using ROS</​i>​<a href="​https://​​calendar/​render?​eid=aGY5c21lc2JzZ210am9yMWpoczl1ZmNzb2cgY21wZS5ldmVudHNAbQ#​eventpage_6">​Robotics Seminar at Boğaziçi Üniversitesi</​a>,​ Istanbul, Turkey.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2016-02-29 – 2016-03-04</​td><​td>​Justus Piater co-organizes the Winter School on Interactive Mobile Manipulation.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2016-02-21</​td><​td>​Emre Ugur gives an invited talk <​i>​Closing the loop: From continuous exploration to symbolic +    child-like robot learning by ORF Ö1 Wissen Aktuell (in German)</​a>​. ​(Radio report on the SQUIRREL and Xperience projects and their challenges intended for a public audience.)</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2016-04-16</​td><​td>​Philipp Zech appears in the media: <a href="​https://​​_media/​public/​16042016news_zech_lnf_full.pdf">​Print Article (News)</​a>​. ​(News magazine interview on the SQUIRREL project and its challenges intended for a public audience.)</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2016-04-05</​td><​td>​Simon Haller appears in the media: <a href="​http://​​lebensart/​freizeit/​11331126-91/​die-zukunft-der-roboter.csp">​Die Zukunft der Roboter, TT Interview.</​a>​.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2016-04-02 – 2016-04-03</​td><​td>​Simon Haller, Sebastian Stabinger, Cornelia Vidovic, and Justus Piater co-organize the <a href="​http://​​robocupjunior-2016-austrian-open-roboter-im-wettkampf/">​RoboCupJunior Austrian Open 2016</​a>​.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2016-03-02</​td><​td>​Simon Haller gives an invited talk <​i>​Tips and Tricks for Rapid Prototyping using ROS</​i> ​at <a href="​https://​​calendar/​render?​eid=aGY5c21lc2JzZ210am9yMWpoczl1ZmNzb2cgY21wZS5ldmVudHNAbQ#​eventpage_6">​Robotics Seminar at Boğaziçi Üniversitesi</​a>,​ Istanbul, Turkey.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2016-02-29 – 2016-03-04</​td><​td>​Justus Piater co-organizes the Winter School on Interactive Mobile Manipulation.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2016-02-21</​td><​td>​Emre Ugur gives an invited talk <​i>​Closing the loop: From continuous exploration to symbolic 
-    planning</​i>​<a href="​http://​​p=1707&​amp;​lang=en">​2nd +    planning</​i> ​at <a href="​http://​​p=1707&​amp;​lang=en">​2nd 
-    International Workshop on Cognitive Neuroscience Robotics</​a>,​ Osaka, Japan.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2016-02-04</​td><​td>​Justus Piater appears in the media: Interview about potential for exploitation of ICT research+    International Workshop on Cognitive Neuroscience Robotics</​a>,​ Osaka, Japan.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2016-02-12 – 2016-02-17</​td><​td>​Safoura Rezapour contributes a talk <​i>​Learning Compositional Object Representation with 
 +    Functionality</​i>​ at <a href="​https://​​Conferences/​AAAI/​2016/​aaai16robotics-fellowships.php">​AAAI-16 
 +    Robotics Fellowship Session</​a>,​ PHoenix, AZ, USA.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2016-02-04</​td><​td>​Justus Piater appears in the media: Interview about potential for exploitation of ICT research
     by the Technology Transfer Center of Western Austria     by the Technology Transfer Center of Western Austria
-    (WTZ West).</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2016-02-03</​td><​td>​Justus Piater appears in the media: <a href="​http://​​panorama/​11075798-91/​fast-wie-science-fiction-ein-roboter-der-lernt-wie-ein-kind.csp?​tab=article">​Newspaper+    (WTZ West). ​(Public interview regarding economic challenges that are addressed by projects conducted or participated by IIS.)</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2016-02-03</​td><​td>​Justus Piater appears in the media: <a href="​http://​​panorama/​11075798-91/​fast-wie-science-fiction-ein-roboter-der-lernt-wie-ein-kind.csp?​tab=article">​Newspaper
     article (Tiroler Tageszeitung) following interview and robot     article (Tiroler Tageszeitung) following interview and robot
-    demonstrations</​a>​.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2016-01-22</​td><​td>​Justus Piater teaches a tutorial <​i>​Grasping and Manipulation</​i>,​ <a href="​http://​​pdf/​call_gmar_winterschool1.pdf">​GMAR Winter School on +    demonstrations</​a>​.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2016-01-22</​td><​td>​Justus Piater teaches a tutorial <​i>​Grasping and Manipulation</​i> at <a href="​http://​​pdf/​call_gmar_winterschool1.pdf">​GMAR Winter School on 
-    Robotics</​a>,​ Graz, Austria.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2016</​td><​td>​Emre Ugur edits a guest edition <a href="​https://​​public/​emre/​cfp.html">​Computational+    Robotics</​a>, Graz, Austria. (Tutorial on grasping and manipulation held at the GMAR winter school in Graz.)</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2016-01-21</​td><​td>​Philipp Zech contributes a talk <​i>​Grasp Affordance Density Learning</​i>​ at <a href="​http://​​pdf/​call_gmar_winterschool1.pdf">​GMAR 
 +    ​Winter School on Robotics</​a>,​ Graz, Austria. (Contributed talk on grasp affordance learning held at the GMAR winter school in Graz.)</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2016-01-21</​td><​td>​Simon Haller contributes a talk <​i>​Integrating Perception Neuron motion capturing into ROS</​i>​ at <a href="​http://​​pdf/​call_gmar_winterschool1.pdf">​GMAR 
 +    ​Winter School on Robotics</​a>,​ Graz, Austria. ​(Contributed talk on motion capturing held at the GMAR winter school in Graz.)</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2016-01-21</​td><​td>​Senka Krivic contributes a talk <​i>​Push Manipulation Skill</​i>​ at <a href="​http://​​pdf/​call_gmar_winterschool1.pdf">​GMAR 
 +    Winter School on Robotics</​a>,​ Graz, Austria. (Contributed talk on non-prehensile pushing held at the GMAR winter school in Graz.)</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2016-01-01 – 2016-12-31</​td><​td>​Emre Ugur edits a guest edition <a href="​https://​​public/​emre/​cfp.html">​Computational
     Models of Affordances for Cognitive Robots</​a>​ in <a href="​http://​​xpl/​RecentIssue.jsp?​punumber=4563672">​IEEE     Models of Affordances for Cognitive Robots</​a>​ in <a href="​http://​​xpl/​RecentIssue.jsp?​punumber=4563672">​IEEE
     Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems</​a>​.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2015-12-17</​td><​td>​Justus Piater gives an invited talk <​i>​Distributions of Diverse Features For Single and     Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems</​a>​.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2015-12-17</​td><​td>​Justus Piater gives an invited talk <​i>​Distributions of Diverse Features For Single and
-    Multiple-View Robot Vision</​i>​<a href="​http://​​ComputerVision/​3DPose-2015.html">​1st+    Multiple-View Robot Vision</​i> ​at <a href="​http://​​ComputerVision/​3DPose-2015.html">​1st
     International Workshop on Recovering 6D Object Pose</​a>,​ at ICCV, Santiago, Chile.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2015-12-03 – 2015-12-05</​td><​td>​Antonio Rodriguez-Sanchez and George Azzopardi co-organize the <a href="​http://​​2015/​show/​home">​The First     International Workshop on Recovering 6D Object Pose</​a>,​ at ICCV, Santiago, Chile.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2015-12-03 – 2015-12-05</​td><​td>​Antonio Rodriguez-Sanchez and George Azzopardi co-organize the <a href="​http://​​2015/​show/​home">​The First
     International Workshop on Computational Models of the Visual     International Workshop on Computational Models of the Visual
Line 45: Line 345:
     Attention</​a>​.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2015-10-04 – 2015-10-09</​td><​td>​Justus Piater, Jan Peters, Robert Platt, and Siddhartha Srinivasa co-organize the <a href="​http://​​15411">​Dagstuhl Seminar 15411     Attention</​a>​.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2015-10-04 – 2015-10-09</​td><​td>​Justus Piater, Jan Peters, Robert Platt, and Siddhartha Srinivasa co-organize the <a href="​http://​​15411">​Dagstuhl Seminar 15411
     on Multimodal Manipulation Under Uncertainty</​a>​.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2015-09-28</​td><​td>​Justus Piater gives an invited talk <​i>​Stacked learning for bootstrapping symbols from     on Multimodal Manipulation Under Uncertainty</​a>​.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2015-09-28</​td><​td>​Justus Piater gives an invited talk <​i>​Stacked learning for bootstrapping symbols from
-    sensorimotor experience</​i>​<a href="​http://​">​Workshop on+    sensorimotor experience</​i> ​at <a href="​http://​">​Workshop on
     Learning Object Affordances:​ A fundamental step to allow     Learning Object Affordances:​ A fundamental step to allow
     prediction, planning and tool use in autonomous robots</​a>,​ at IROS, Hamburg, Germany.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2015-09-28</​td><​td>​Emre Ugur, Lorenzo Jamone, Angelo Cangelosi, Tamim Asfour, and Jose Santos-Victor co-organize the <a href="​http://​">​Workshop on     prediction, planning and tool use in autonomous robots</​a>,​ at IROS, Hamburg, Germany.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2015-09-28</​td><​td>​Emre Ugur, Lorenzo Jamone, Angelo Cangelosi, Tamim Asfour, and Jose Santos-Victor co-organize the <a href="​http://​">​Workshop on
     Learning Object Affordances:​ A fundamental step to allow     Learning Object Affordances:​ A fundamental step to allow
-    prediction, planning and tool use in autonomous robots</​a>​.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2015-07-31</​td><​td>​Justus Piater gives an invited talk <​i>​Stacked learning of affordances</​i>​<a href="​http://​​ICAR2015-WS-RobotLearning/">​Workshop on+    prediction, planning and tool use in autonomous robots</​a>​.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2015-08-04</​td><​td>​Simon Hangl contributes a talk <​i>​Reactive,​ Task-specific Object Manipulation by Metric 
 +    Reinforcement Learning</​i>​ at <a href="​https://​​documents/​10180/​555009/​2nd+Human+Brain+Project+Education+Workshop/​38dd921e-b79b-41b0-8eb2-12aa78f93451">​ 
 +      2nd Human Brain Project School on Future Computing</​a>,​ Obergurgl, Austria.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2015-07-31</​td><​td>​Justus Piater gives an invited talk <​i>​Stacked learning of affordances</​i> ​at <a href="​http://​​ICAR2015-WS-RobotLearning/">​Workshop on
     Bottom-up and top-down development of robot skills</​a>,​ at ICAR, Istanbul, Turkey.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2015-07-31</​td><​td>​Emre Ugur, Lorenzo Jamone, Yukie Nagai, and Erhan Oztop co-organize the <a href="​http://​​ICAR2015-WS-RobotLearning/">​Workshop on     Bottom-up and top-down development of robot skills</​a>,​ at ICAR, Istanbul, Turkey.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2015-07-31</​td><​td>​Emre Ugur, Lorenzo Jamone, Yukie Nagai, and Erhan Oztop co-organize the <a href="​http://​​ICAR2015-WS-RobotLearning/">​Workshop on
     Bottom-up and top-down development of robot skills</​a>​.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2015-07-16</​td><​td>​Emre Ugur gives an invited talk <​i>​Bootstrapping Concept Learning: From Simple to Complex     Bottom-up and top-down development of robot skills</​a>​.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2015-07-16</​td><​td>​Emre Ugur gives an invited talk <​i>​Bootstrapping Concept Learning: From Simple to Complex
-    Affordances to Symbolic Planning</​i>​<a href="​https://​​conferences/​lrc2015/">​Workshop+    Affordances to Symbolic Planning</​i> ​at <a href="​https://​​conferences/​lrc2015/">​Workshop
     on Learning Reusable Concepts in Robotics</​a>,​ at RSS, Rome, Italy.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2015-07-16</​td><​td>​Justus Piater and Tamim Asfour co-organize the <a href="​https://​​conferences/​lrc2015/">​Workshop     on Learning Reusable Concepts in Robotics</​a>,​ at RSS, Rome, Italy.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2015-07-16</​td><​td>​Justus Piater and Tamim Asfour co-organize the <a href="​https://​​conferences/​lrc2015/">​Workshop
-    on Learning Reusable Concepts in Robotics</​a>​.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2015-05-30</​td><​td>​Justus Piater gives an invited talk <​i>​Robot vision in times of flight: RGB-D = red-green-blue is +    on Learning Reusable Concepts in Robotics</​a>​.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2015-06-03 – 2015-06-05</​td><​td>​Safoura Rezapour contributes a talk <​i>​CPS:​ 3D Compositional Part Segmentation through Grasping</​i>​ at <a href="​http://​​2015/">​12th Conference 
-    dead?</​i>​<a href="​http://​​activities/​workshopicra15/">​Workshop on+    on Computer and Robot Vision</​a>,​ Halifax, Nova Scotia.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2015-05-30</​td><​td>​Justus Piater gives an invited talk <​i>​Robot vision in times of flight: RGB-D = red-green-blue is 
 +    dead?</​i> ​at <a href="​http://​​activities/​workshopicra15/">​Workshop on
     Robotic Hands, Grasping, and Manipulation</​a>,​ at ICRA, Seattle, USA.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2015-05-04</​td><​td>​Sebastian Stabinger appears in the media: ​     Robotic Hands, Grasping, and Manipulation</​a>,​ at ICRA, Seattle, USA.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2015-05-04</​td><​td>​Sebastian Stabinger appears in the media: ​
       Robotertechnik für Blinde: Interview with 20er about master project.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2015-02-06</​td><​td>​Sebastian Stabinger appears in the media: <a href="​http://​​ipoint/​news/​2015/​">​       Robotertechnik für Blinde: Interview with 20er about master project.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2015-02-06</​td><​td>​Sebastian Stabinger appears in the media: <a href="​http://​​ipoint/​news/​2015/​">​
news.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/05 06:25 by IIS Webadmin