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 See our [[:|front page]] for the most recent news. See our [[:|front page]] for the most recent news.
-<​HTML><​table><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2020-11-19</​td><​td>​Justus Piater gives an invited talk <​i>​Machine Learning in Robotics</​i>​ at <a href="​https://​">​bAIome PI Talk, Center for +<​HTML><​table><tr valign="​top"><​td>​2023-11-11</​td><​td>​Justus Piater gives an invited talk <​i>​Wie kann die Medizin von der Künstlichen Intelligenz 
-    Biomedical AI, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf</​a>,​ online. <span class="​actions"><​a href="​javascript:​void(0)"​ onclick="​showHide('​newsitem11', '​Abstract'​)">​[Abstract]</​a></​span><​blockquote id="newsitem11Abstract" style="​display:​none">​Machine Learning increasingly equips robots with+    profitieren?</​i>​ at <a href="​https://​​public-dfpkalender/​viewEvent.jsf?​id=784672">​Winterfortbildung der Universitätsklinik Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe Innsbruck</​a>,​ Wattens.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2023-10-24</​td><​td>​Justus Piater gives an invited lecture <​i>​Ramping Up Robot Intelligence</​i>​ at <a href="​https://​">​ReconCycle Summer 
 +    School 2023</​a>,​ Cala Ratjada, Mallorca, Spain.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2023-09-06</​td><​td>​Justus Piater gives an invited lecture <​i>​High-Level AI For Service Robotics</​i>​ at <a href="​https://​​posts/​gmarobotics_gmar-summer-school-fhtw-activity-7076785981302939648-mdTV/">​GMAR Robotics Summer School 2023</​a>,​ FH Technikum Wien.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2023-08-15</​td><​td>​Samuele Tosatto contributes a talk <i>A Continuous-Time Option Framework</​i>​ at <a href="​https://​​Workshops/​IWIALS2023">​International Workshop of Intelligent Autonomous Learning Systems 2023</​a>,​ Hirschegg, Kleinwalsertal,​ Austria. (Research talk about arXiv:​2212.04407)</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2023-07-27</​td><​td>​Justus Piater gives an invited talk <​i>​Wie generiert ChatGPT seine Antworten, und warum sollten 
 +    wir einen kritischen Blick auf diese bewahren?</​i>​ at <a href="​https://​​events/​chatgpt-in-der-unternehmenskommunikation/">​ChatGPT 
 +    in der Unternehmenskommunikation</​a>,​ Universität Innsbruck. (Eine gemeinsame Veranstaltung des Public Relations Verbands Austria und</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2023-07-05</​td><​td>​Justus Piater gives an invited talk <​i>​Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der KI in der Robotik</​i>​ at <a href="​https://​​2023-1.html">​Bodenseegespräche 
 +    2023</​a>,​ Hard bei Bregenz, Austria. <span class="​actions"><​a href="​javascript:​void(0)"​ onclick="​showHide('​newsitem17',​ '​Abstract'​)">​[Abstract]</​a></​span><​blockquote id="​newsitem17Abstract"​ style="​display:​none">​Die künstliche Intelligenz hat in letzter Zeit gewaltige 
 +    Fortschritte gemacht. Sie bietet immer neue Möglichkeiten in der 
 +    Analyse und Generierung natürlicher Sprache und von Bildern und 
 +    Video, in der Robotik, sowie in ihren Kombinationen. Im ersten 
 +    Teil des Vortrags werde ich informell Kerntechnologien aktueller 
 +    KI vorstellen, um ein Gespür dafür zu vermitteln, wofür sich KI in 
 +    der Robotik mittelfristig einsetzen lassen wird. Anschließend 
 +    werde ich Grenzen der aktuellen KI charakterisieren und einige 
 +    Beispiele aus der Forschung beschreiben,​ die darauf abzielen, 
 +    diese Grenzen zu erweitern.</​blockquote></​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2023-06-05</​td><​td>​Justus Piater gives an invited talk <​i>​Generative Künstliche Intelligenz</​i>​ at <a href="​https://​​de/​foerderkreis1669/​aktuelles/​forum-forderkreis-1669/">​Forum Förderkreis 1669</​a>,​ online.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2023-05-29</​td><​td>​Samuele Tosatto contributes a talk <​i>​Temporal Abstraction via Variable Decision Frequency</​i>​ at <a href="​https://​​view/​rap4robots">​Workshop on effective Reresentations,​ Abstractions,​ and Priors for Robot Learning (ICRA Workshop)</​a>,​ ExCeL London. (Research talk about arXiv:​2212.04407)</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2023-05-25</​td><​td>​Justus Piater gives an invited talk <​i>​Künstliche Intelligenz &amp; ChatGPT: Möglichkeiten und 
 +    Grenzen in der Hochschullehre</​i>​ at <a href="​https://​​itservices/​aktuell/​ki-chatgpt.pdf">​Digitales 
 +    Lehren und Lernen</​a>,​ Medizinische Universität Innsbruck und online. (Informations- und Diskussionsveranstaltung für Bedienstete und Studierende)</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2023-05-23</​td><​td>​Justus Piater gives an invited talk <​i>​Robot Learning – von Imitation bis Kognition</​i>​ at <a href="​https://​​ove-academy/​seminare/​detail/​ove-it-kolloquium-maschinelles-lernen-aktuelle-entwicklungen-und-moegliche-anwendungsbereiche/">​OVE-IT-Kolloquium:​ 
 +    Maschinelles Lernen</​a>,​ OVE, Wien, und online. <span class="​actions"><​a href="​javascript:​void(0)"​ onclick="​showHide('​newsitem21',​ '​Abstract'​)">​[Abstract]</​a></​span><​blockquote id="​newsitem21Abstract"​ style="​display:​none">​Maschinelles Lernen hat vielfältige Anwendungen in der 
 +    Robotik. Roboter können lernen, Trajektorien abzufahren, auf 
 +    Effekte und äußere Ereignisse zu reagieren, Objekte zu erkennen 
 +    und zu manipulieren. In die Praxis halten diese Entwicklungen 
 +    jedoch nur langsam Einzug. Warum ist das so? Ich argumentiere,​ 
 +    dass Robotern - und heutigen KI-Systemen allgemein - echtes 
 +    Verständnis für ihre Umgebung fehlt, mit der sie über 
 +    Datenaustausch interagieren. Dies werde ich anhand einiger 
 +    Beispiele aus unserer Forschung illustrieren,​ mit der wir 
 +    versuchen, das Verständnis von Robotern für ihre Umgebung zu 
 +    erhöhen.</​blockquote></​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2023-05-11</​td><​td>​Simon Haller-Seeber,​ Patrick Hofmann, and Christopher Kelter teach a tutorial <​i>​STAIR Lab Workshop: Programmieren eines autonomen Roboters anhand einer selbstentwickelten KI</​i>​ at INNALP Workshop für die NMS Hötting West, Universität Innsbruck.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2023-05-04</​td><​td>​Justus Piater is a panelist at a public discussion on <a href="​https://​​congress/​bibliothek2023/​programm/​abstracts-donnerstag-nachmittag/​bibliotheken-und-ki.html">​Künstliche 
 +    Intelligenz (KI) in Bibliotheken</​a>,​ Congress Innsbruck. (Podiumsdiskussion am 1. Österreichischen Bibliothekskongress 2023)</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2023-03-29</​td><​td>​Simon Haller-Seeber,​ Christopher Kelter, and Patrick Hofmann teach a tutorial <​i>​Was sind Roboter, was macht eine KI? Entwickle deine eigene KI und programmiere unsere Minibots</​i>​ at Campustag BG/BRG Sillgasse, Universität Innsbruck.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2023-01-21</​td><​td>​Justus Piater appears in the media: <a href="​https://​​6240937/​auch-ein-roboter-muss-hoeflich-sein">​Auch ein Roboter muss höflich sein</​a>​. (Interview by Die Presse (in German))</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2022-12-19</​td><​td>​Marko Zaric and Simon Haller-Seeber teach a tutorial <​i>​Einführung in die Programmierung mit dem BBC Micro:​Bit</​i>​ at Campustag NMS Hötting, Universität Innsbruck.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2022-12-06</​td><​td>​Justus Piater, Matteo Saveriano, Hector Villeda, and Erwan Renaudo appear in the media: <a href="​https://​​ZuFo/​periodical/​pageview/​8251030">​Schritt 
 +    für Schritt</​a>​. (Zukunft Forschung – Das Magazin für Wissenschaft und Forschung der Universität Innsbruck 2 (2022)) <span class="​actions"><​a href="​javascript:​void(0)"​ onclick="​showHide('​newsitem28',​ '​Abstract'​)">​[Abstract]</​a></​span><​blockquote id="​newsitem28Abstract"​ style="​display:​none">​Justus Piater lehrt seinem Roboter das Lernen – mit 
 +    Erfolg. So lernte der Roboter, wie sich ­ Objekte bewegen, wenn er 
 +    sie anschubst, und wie er diese stapeln kann. Nun soll er sich aus 
 +    gelernten ­Bewegungen neue erschließen und mit dem Menschen 
 +    interagieren lernen.</​blockquote></​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2022-12-01</​td><​td>​Justus Piater, Erwan Renaudo, and Matthias Schurz appear in the media: <a href="​https://​​de/​mithilfe-der-psychologie-forscher-wollen-robotern-soziale-faehigkeiten-beibringen/">​Mithilfe 
 +    der Psychologie:​ Forscher wollen Robotern soziale Fähigkeiten 
 +    beibringen</​a>​. (Interview by Innovation Origins) <span class="​actions"><​a href="​javascript:​void(0)"​ onclick="​showHide('​newsitem29',​ '​Abstract'​)">​[Abstract]</​a></​span><​blockquote id="​newsitem29Abstract"​ style="​display:​none">​Nachhaltigkeit - Wenn Roboter in menschlichen Umgebungen 
 +    arbeiten, dann brauchen Sie soziale Fähigkeiten. Forscher wollen 
 +    es ihnen beibringen und dabei das tatsächliche Lernverhalten von 
 +    Menschen nachbilden.</​blockquote></​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2022-11-17</​td><​td>​Simon Haller-Seeber gives an invited talk <​i>​STAIR-Lab Workshop One and Outlook</​i>​ at <a href="​https://​">​INNALP Education Hub Beiratssitzung</​a>,​ Universität Innsbruck.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2022-07-21</​td><​td>​Justus Piater appears in the media: <a href="​https://​​es-regnet-weil-menschen-die-schirme-aufspannen-warum-wir-noch-keine-allzu-grosse-angst-vor-kuenstlicher-intelligenz-haben-muessen/">​„Es 
 +    regnet, weil Menschen die Schirme aufspannen“ – warum wir (noch) 
 +    keine allzu große Angst vor künstlicher Intelligenz haben 
 +    müssen</​a>​. (Makademia - Forschung einfach geknackt)</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2022-06-14</​td><​td>​Justus Piater co-organizes the <a href="​https://​">​Austrian Robotics 
 +    Workshop</​a>​.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2022-06-10</​td><​td>​Simon Haller-Seeber,​ Patrick Hofmann, and Thomas Gatterer teach a tutorial <​i>​Was sind Roboter, was macht eine KI? Entwickle deine eigene KI und programmiere unsere Minibots</​i>​ at Campustag BG/BRG Sillgasse, Universität Innsbruck.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2022-06-02</​td><​td>​Erwan Renaudo contributes a talk <​i>​Deep Learning for Fast Segmentation of E-waste Devices’  
 +    Inner Parts in a Recycling Scenario</​i>​ at <a href="​https://​">​ICPRAI 2022</​a>,​ Paris/​online. <span class="​actions"><​a href="​javascript:​void(0)"​ onclick="​showHide('​newsitem38',​ '​Abstract'​)">​[Abstract]</​a></​span><​blockquote id="​newsitem38Abstract"​ style="​display:​none">​Recycling obsolete electronic devices (E-waste) is a 
 +    dangerous task for human workers. Automated E-waste recycling  
 +    is an area of great interest but challenging for current robotic  
 +    applications. We focus on the problem of segmenting inner parts  
 +    of E-waste devices into manipulable elements. First, we extend  
 +    a dataset of hard-drive disk (HDD) components with labelled  
 +    occluded and non-occluded points of view of the parts, in order  
 +    to increase the diversity and the quality of the learning data  
 +    with different angles. We then perform an extensive evaluation  
 +    with three different state-of-the-art models, namely CenterMask,​ 
 +    BlendMask and SOLOv2 (including variants) and two types of  
 +    metrics: the average precision as well as the frame rate. Our  
 +    results show that instance segmentation using state-of-the-art  
 +    deep learning methods can precisely detect complex shapes along  
 +    with their boundaries, as well as being suited for fast tracking of 
 +    parts in a robotic recycling system. (Rojas et  al. 2022) 
 +    </​blockquote></​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2022-05-20</​td><​td>​Justus Piater appears in the media: <a href="​https://​​podcasts/​tir/​derwoche/​derwoche-maschinenzukunft">​ORF 
 +    Tirol Podcast (in German)</​a>​. <span class="​actions"><​a href="​javascript:​void(0)"​ onclick="​showHide('​newsitem39',​ '​Abstract'​)">​[Abstract]</​a></​span><​blockquote id="​newsitem39Abstract"​ style="​display:​none">​Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) ist bereits heute ein 
 +    täglicher Begleiter, doch vom universellen Haushaltsroboter sind 
 +    wir noch weit entfernt. Automatisierte Systeme werden zwar Jobs 
 +    übernehmen,​ Maschinen werden aber noch lange nicht die 
 +    Weltherrschaft an sich reißen, falls überhaupt. Zur Langen Nacht 
 +    der Forschung spricht Martin Kubin im #derWoche „Maschinenzukunft“ 
 +    mit Prof. Justus Piater vom Institut für Informatik über Chancen 
 +    und Gefahren von KI. Er weiß auch, warum KI etwa die Justiz 
 +    unterstützen kann, aber ein KI-Richter niemals objektiv urteilen 
 +    könnte.</​blockquote></​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2022-05-17</​td><​td>​Erwan Renaudo gives an invited talk <i>A Brief tour of autonomous robots'​ &​quot;​Cognition&​quot;</​i>​ at <a href="​https://​​ag-mueller/​aktuelles/​meldungsdetails-ag-mueller/​2022/​5/​17/​event/​46426-Creating-Agency-and-Cogn/​tx_cal_phpicalendar/">​Creating Agency and Cognition in Automated Systems: What can we learn from the Octopus? International Hybrid Workshop</​a>,​ Innsbruck. <span class="​actions"><​a href="​javascript:​void(0)"​ onclick="​showHide('​newsitem41',​ '​Abstract'​)">​[Abstract]</​a></​span><​blockquote id="​newsitem41Abstract"​ style="​display:​none">​In the design of &​quot;​Cognitive Robots&​quot;​ software architectures,​  
 +    researchers had to face many organizational problems due to  
 +    the particular nature of robots. Not only should they manage  
 +    to achieve complex tasks with long-term goals, but they must  
 +    also be reactive to their surroundings to preserve their environment. 
 +    We will go over several layered control paradigms developed over 
 +    the history of robotics and see how these can relate to the  
 +    knowledge about the Octopus'​ brain organization,​ and discuss  
 +    how the Octopus itself can inspire cognitive robotic research. 
 +    </​blockquote></​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2022-05-11</​td><​td>​Justus Piater gives an invited talk <​i>​Robots That Learn Like Humans?</​i>​ at <a href="​https://​​events/​innsbruck">​Pint of 
 +    Science</​a>,​ Innsbruck. <span class="​actions"><​a href="​javascript:​void(0)"​ onclick="​showHide('​newsitem42',​ '​Abstract'​)">​[Abstract]</​a></​span><​blockquote id="​newsitem42Abstract"​ style="​display:​none">​Wouldn'​t it be great to have a helper robot that we can 
 +    task with our annoying chores? How would we teach the robot to 
 +    perform these tasks? Can we build such robots by equipping them 
 +    with artificial intelligence?​ We will discuss how human and 
 +    machine learning differ and how this impacts what skills, 
 +    including for communication,​ our helper robot will be able to 
 +    learn.</​blockquote></​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2022-04-28</​td><​td>​Simon Haller-Seeber contributes a talk <​i>​STAIR Learning Lab</​i>​ at <a href="​http://​">​Robotics in Education 2022</​a>,​ online.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2022-02-19</​td><​td>​Justus Piater gives an invited talk <​i>​Learning as a Creative Process in Humans and 
 +    Machines</​i>​ at <a href="​https://​​ag-mueller/​online-workshop-on-agency-life-and-creativity/">​Workshop 
 +    on “Agency, Life, and Creativity”</​a>,​ online. <span class="​actions"><​a href="​javascript:​void(0)"​ onclick="​showHide('​newsitem44',​ '​Abstract'​)">​[Abstract]</​a></​span><​blockquote id="​newsitem44Abstract"​ style="​display:​none">​Humans constantly engage in creative activity such as 
 +    finding explanations,​ improving technology, or solving novel 
 +    problems in everyday life. Even imitating other humans, e.g. while 
 +    learning a new skill, is creative in that the imitator has to 
 +    infer the conceptual structure underlying the observed 
 +    manifestation and to regenerate the latter from the former. In 
 +    contrast, current AI-enabled agents are unable to generate and 
 +    draw upon such conceptual structures. Their learning is mostly 
 +    driven by statistics, and any ability to produce novelty is 
 +    largely limited to trial and error. I will try to characterize 
 +    this fundamental difference between learning in human and 
 +    artificial agents, and will discuss possible technological 
 +    approaches that might help close this gap.</​blockquote></​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2021-11-24</​td><​td>​Justus Piater is a panelist at a public discussion on <a href="​https://​​posts/​elsa-innsbruck_letzte-woche-fand-zum-elsa-day-am-24112021-activity-6871397038093869057-16-7">​Privacy 
 +    in the Digital Age</​a>,​ online. (Organized by ELSA Innsbruck)</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2021-10-22</​td><​td>​Justus Piater gives an invited talk <​i>​Robotik und KI in der Medizin – nur 
 +    Bedarfserweckung?</​i>​ at <a href="​https://​​veranstaltungen/">​Medical 
 +    Update Hall 2021 – Fit für das neue Jahrzehnt</​a>,​ UMIT, Hall in Tirol.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2021-08-26</​td><​td>​Justus Piater contributes a talk <​i>​Digital Science at the University of Innsbruck</​i>​ at Aurora Research Conference Digital Society &amp; Global Citizenship,​ Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. <span class="​actions"><​a href="​javascript:​void(0)"​ onclick="​showHide('​newsitem47',​ '​Abstract'​)">​[Abstract]</​a></​span><​blockquote id="​newsitem47Abstract"​ style="​display:​none">​Growing data processing capacities and progress in 
 +    analytical methods and artificial intelligence are motivating 
 +    entire branches of science to raise new questions and to develop 
 +    new approaches. This digital transformation requires progressive,​ 
 +    interdisciplinary synergies between the computational sciences and 
 +    all other scientific disciplines. ​ The Digital Science Center 
 +    (DiSC) at the University of Innsbruck meets this challenge by 
 +    integrating and promoting digitalisation of scientific research. 
 +    In this talk I will present some examples of interdisciplinary 
 +    research by DiSC staff researchers who are experts in specific 
 +    aspects of digital science.</​blockquote></​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2021-08-24</​td><​td>​Justus Piater teaches a tutorial <​i>​Picking and Placing</​i>​ at <a href="​https://​​informatik/​forschung/​gmar-robotics-school-2021.html">​2021 GMAR Summer School</​a>,​ Villa Blanka, Innsbruck.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2021-07-01</​td><​td>​Justus Piater and Matteo Saveriano give an invited talk <​i>​Making Robots Learn to Perceive and Act with Understanding</​i>​ at <a href="​https://​​rest/​entries/​api/​v1/​blobs/​200894">​Workshop 
 +    and Open Lab on Field Robotics - Interdisciplinary aspects of 
 +    robotics and its applications in outdoor scenarios</​a>,​ NOI Techpark, Bolzano, Italy.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2021-05-26</​td><​td>​Justus Piater contributes a talk <​i>​Intelligente und interaktive Systeme</​i>​ at <a href="​http://​​aktuell/">​GMAR Robotics Science 
 +    Talks</​a>,​ online.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2021-03-24</​td><​td>​Justus Piater gives an invited lecture <​i>​Machine Learning, Perception, And Abstract Concepts</​i>​ at Invited lecture at Ontario Tech U, Canada, online. <span class="​actions"><​a href="​javascript:​void(0)"​ onclick="​showHide('​newsitem51',​ '​Abstract'​)">​[Abstract]</​a></​span><​blockquote id="​newsitem51Abstract"​ style="​display:​none">​With every spectacular achievement of a machine learning 
 +    system, the long-elusive AI breakthrough is popularly proclaimed 
 +    to be just around the corner. ​ Most recent successes have been due 
 +    in large part to massive data and computation,​ in particular using 
 +    deep artificial neural networks. ​ But can artificial cognition 
 +    really be achieved just by further scaling up existing 
 +    machine-learning techniques? ​ I discuss examples of simple, 
 +    perceptual problems that are easily solved by humans but very 
 +    difficult for today'​s machine learning methods. ​ These problems 
 +    reflect how humans conceptualize their world. ​ Their mastery is 
 +    thus likely to be an essential prerequisite for autonomous robots 
 +    to attain higher levels of cognitive abilities. ​ To get there, a 
 +    few core issues can be identified that should drive research in 
 +    cognitive robotics.</​blockquote></​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2021-01-28</​td><​td>​Matteo Saveriano gives an invited talk <​i>​Making robots to learn from human observation?</​i>​ at <a href="​https://​​en/​austrian-embassy-ottawa/​news/​events/​detail/​article/​showcasing-young-austrian-scholars-and-scientists-an-original-seven-part-virtual-lectures-ser/">​Showcasing Young Austrian Scholars and Scientists, Austrian cultural forum, Ottawa</​a>,​ online.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2021-01-14</​td><​td>​Matteo Saveriano gives an invited talk <​i>​Hierarchical action decomposition and motion learning for the execution of manipulation tasks</​i>​ at <a href="​http://​​aktuell/">​Hello Tyrol calling! Robotics Talk online, GMAR, Innsbruck</​a>,​ online.</​td></​tr><tr valign="​top"><​td>​2020-11-19</​td><​td>​Justus Piater gives an invited talk <​i>​Machine Learning in Robotics</​i>​ at <a href="​https://​">​bAIome PI Talk, Center for 
 +    Biomedical AI, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf</​a>,​ online. <span class="​actions"><​a href="​javascript:​void(0)"​ onclick="​showHide('​newsitem55', '​Abstract'​)">​[Abstract]</​a></​span><​blockquote id="newsitem55Abstract" style="​display:​none">​Machine Learning increasingly equips robots with
     learning capabilities and flexibility. ​ This will enable them to     learning capabilities and flexibility. ​ This will enable them to
     act purposefully in unstructured environments and to react to     act purposefully in unstructured environments and to react to
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     (HFR 2020)</​a>​.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2020-09-30</​td><​td>​Erwan Renaudo contributes a talk <​i>​ROSSINI:​ RobOt kidS deSIgn thiNkIng</​i>​ at <a href="​https://​​gp/​book/​9783030674106">​Robotics in      (HFR 2020)</​a>​.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2020-09-30</​td><​td>​Erwan Renaudo contributes a talk <​i>​ROSSINI:​ RobOt kidS deSIgn thiNkIng</​i>​ at <a href="​https://​​gp/​book/​9783030674106">​Robotics in 
     Education 2020</​a>,​ online.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2020-06-22</​td><​td>​Justus Piater gives an invited talk <​i>​Conditional Neural Movement Primitives</​i>​ at <a href="​http://​​index.php?​page=reunion&​amp;​idreunion=424">​GdR     Education 2020</​a>,​ online.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2020-06-22</​td><​td>​Justus Piater gives an invited talk <​i>​Conditional Neural Movement Primitives</​i>​ at <a href="​http://​​index.php?​page=reunion&​amp;​idreunion=424">​GdR
-    ISIS Réunion Apprentissage et Robotique</​a>,​ online. <span class="​actions"><​a href="​javascript:​void(0)"​ onclick="​showHide('​newsitem15', '​Abstract'​)">​[Abstract]</​a></​span><​blockquote id="newsitem15Abstract" style="​display:​none">​Conditional Neural Movement Primitives (CNMP) constitute+    ISIS Réunion Apprentissage et Robotique</​a>,​ online. <span class="​actions"><​a href="​javascript:​void(0)"​ onclick="​showHide('​newsitem59', '​Abstract'​)">​[Abstract]</​a></​span><​blockquote id="newsitem59Abstract" style="​display:​none">​Conditional Neural Movement Primitives (CNMP) constitute
     a novel framework for robot programming by demonstration based on     a novel framework for robot programming by demonstration based on
     Conditional Neural Processes (CNP). ​ Like Bayesian methods such as     Conditional Neural Processes (CNP). ​ Like Bayesian methods such as
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     applications.</​blockquote></​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2020-06-03</​td><​td>​Justus Piater appears in the media: Wie der Roboter denken lernt. (Newspaper article in Tiroler Tageszeitung)</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2020-01-29</​td><​td>​Justus Piater gives an invited talk <​i>​Digital Science</​i>​ at <a href="​https://​​karriere/​veranstaltungsreihen.html">​Vortragsreihe     applications.</​blockquote></​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2020-06-03</​td><​td>​Justus Piater appears in the media: Wie der Roboter denken lernt. (Newspaper article in Tiroler Tageszeitung)</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2020-01-29</​td><​td>​Justus Piater gives an invited talk <​i>​Digital Science</​i>​ at <a href="​https://​​karriere/​veranstaltungsreihen.html">​Vortragsreihe
     „Primers for Predocs – Strategien für eine erfolgreiche     „Primers for Predocs – Strategien für eine erfolgreiche
-    Promotion“</​a>,​ Universität Heidelberg. <span class="​actions"><​a href="​javascript:​void(0)"​ onclick="​showHide('​newsitem18', '​Abstract'​)">​[Abstract]</​a></​span><​blockquote id="newsitem18Abstract" style="​display:​none">​Massive availability of data and computing power are+    Promotion“</​a>,​ Universität Heidelberg. <span class="​actions"><​a href="​javascript:​void(0)"​ onclick="​showHide('​newsitem62', '​Abstract'​)">​[Abstract]</​a></​span><​blockquote id="newsitem62Abstract" style="​display:​none">​Massive availability of data and computing power are
     promoting data-driven methods in all areas of science and     promoting data-driven methods in all areas of science and
     technology. ​ I will describe how the University of Innsbruck     technology. ​ I will describe how the University of Innsbruck
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     Understand My Robot?</​i>​ at <a href="​http://​">​TrustRobots Lecture series     Understand My Robot?</​i>​ at <a href="​http://​">​TrustRobots Lecture series
     Trust in Robots</​a>,​ TU Vienna.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2019-12-05</​td><​td>​IIS guest <span style="​font-weight:​bold">​Heiko Neumann</​span>,​ University of Ulm,  gives an invited colloquium <​i>​Biologically inspired visual-auditory processing – from     Trust in Robots</​a>,​ TU Vienna.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2019-12-05</​td><​td>​IIS guest <span style="​font-weight:​bold">​Heiko Neumann</​span>,​ University of Ulm,  gives an invited colloquium <​i>​Biologically inspired visual-auditory processing – from
-    brain-like computation to neuromorphic algorithms</​i>​ at <a href="​https://​​informatik/​forschung/​lunchtime-seminar/​index.html.en">​IFI Lunchtime Seminar</​a>​. <span class="​actions"><​a href="​javascript:​void(0)"​ onclick="​showHide('​newsitem23', '​Abstract'​)">​[Abstract]</​a></​span><​blockquote id="newsitem23Abstract" style="​display:​none">​A fundamental task of sensory processing is to detect+    brain-like computation to neuromorphic algorithms</​i>​ at <a href="​https://​​informatik/​forschung/​lunchtime-seminar/​index.html.en">​IFI Lunchtime Seminar</​a>​. <span class="​actions"><​a href="​javascript:​void(0)"​ onclick="​showHide('​newsitem67', '​Abstract'​)">​[Abstract]</​a></​span><​blockquote id="newsitem67Abstract" style="​display:​none">​A fundamental task of sensory processing is to detect
     and integrate feature items to group them into perceptual units     and integrate feature items to group them into perceptual units
     segregating them from other objects and the background. A     segregating them from other objects and the background. A
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     architecture composed of canonical circuit mechanisms can be     architecture composed of canonical circuit mechanisms can be
     mapped onto neuromorphic chip technology facilitating low-energy     mapped onto neuromorphic chip technology facilitating low-energy
-    non-von Neumann computation.</​blockquote></​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2019-11-26</​td><​td>​IIS guest <span style="​font-weight:​bold">​Tamim Asfour</​span>,​ Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, ​ gives an invited keynote <​i>​Engineering Humanoids with Motion Intelligence</​i>​ at <a href="​https://​​informatik/​studium/​inday-students/​index.html.en">​inday students</​a>​. <span class="​actions"><​a href="​javascript:​void(0)"​ onclick="​showHide('​newsitem24', '​Abstract'​)">​[Abstract]</​a></​span><​blockquote id="newsitem24Abstract" style="​display:​none">​Humanoid robotics plays a central role in robotics+    non-von Neumann computation.</​blockquote></​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2019-11-26</​td><​td>​IIS guest <span style="​font-weight:​bold">​Tamim Asfour</​span>,​ Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, ​ gives an invited keynote <​i>​Engineering Humanoids with Motion Intelligence</​i>​ at <a href="​https://​​informatik/​studium/​inday-students/​index.html.en">​inday students</​a>​. <span class="​actions"><​a href="​javascript:​void(0)"​ onclick="​showHide('​newsitem68', '​Abstract'​)">​[Abstract]</​a></​span><​blockquote id="newsitem68Abstract" style="​display:​none">​Humanoid robotics plays a central role in robotics
     research as well as in understanding intelligence. Engineering     research as well as in understanding intelligence. Engineering
     humanoid robots that are able to learn from humans and     humanoid robots that are able to learn from humans and
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     (eco.nova, in German)</​a>​. (Comprehensive interview article (6 pages) on artificial intelligence in eco.nova, a nationwide magazine covering trends in economy, science, architectur,​ health &amp; wellness, tax, law, dining and lifestyle)</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2019-10-10</​td><​td>​IIS guest <span style="​font-weight:​bold">​Georg Martius</​span>,​ Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems,     (eco.nova, in German)</​a>​. (Comprehensive interview article (6 pages) on artificial intelligence in eco.nova, a nationwide magazine covering trends in economy, science, architectur,​ health &amp; wellness, tax, law, dining and lifestyle)</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2019-10-10</​td><​td>​IIS guest <span style="​font-weight:​bold">​Georg Martius</​span>,​ Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems,
     Tübingen, ​ gives an invited colloquium <​i>​Control What You Can – Intrinsically Motivated     Tübingen, ​ gives an invited colloquium <​i>​Control What You Can – Intrinsically Motivated
-    Hierarchical RL</​i>​ at IIS Colloquium. <span class="​actions"><​a href="​javascript:​void(0)"​ onclick="​showHide('​newsitem34', '​Abstract'​)">​[Abstract]</​a></​span><​blockquote id="newsitem34Abstract" style="​display:​none">​I will present present a hierarchical reinforcement+    Hierarchical RL</​i>​ at IIS Colloquium. <span class="​actions"><​a href="​javascript:​void(0)"​ onclick="​showHide('​newsitem78', '​Abstract'​)">​[Abstract]</​a></​span><​blockquote id="newsitem78Abstract" style="​display:​none">​I will present present a hierarchical reinforcement
     learning agent that is intrinsically motivated to learn how to     learning agent that is intrinsically motivated to learn how to
     control its observation space in the fastest possible manner by     control its observation space in the fastest possible manner by
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     scratch.</​blockquote></​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2019-10-10</​td><​td>​IIS guest <span style="​font-weight:​bold">​Georg Martius</​span>,​ Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems,     scratch.</​blockquote></​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2019-10-10</​td><​td>​IIS guest <span style="​font-weight:​bold">​Georg Martius</​span>,​ Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems,
     Tübingen, ​ gives an invited colloquium <​i>​Self-Organization of Behavior in Autonomous Robot     Tübingen, ​ gives an invited colloquium <​i>​Self-Organization of Behavior in Autonomous Robot
-    Development</​i>​ at <a href="​https://​​informatik/​forschung/​lunchtime-seminar/​index.html.en">​IFI Lunchtime Seminar</​a>​. <span class="​actions"><​a href="​javascript:​void(0)"​ onclick="​showHide('​newsitem35', '​Abstract'​)">​[Abstract]</​a></​span><​blockquote id="newsitem35Abstract" style="​display:​none">​I am studying the question how robots can autonomously+    Development</​i>​ at <a href="​https://​​informatik/​forschung/​lunchtime-seminar/​index.html.en">​IFI Lunchtime Seminar</​a>​. <span class="​actions"><​a href="​javascript:​void(0)"​ onclick="​showHide('​newsitem79', '​Abstract'​)">​[Abstract]</​a></​span><​blockquote id="newsitem79Abstract" style="​display:​none">​I am studying the question how robots can autonomously
     develop skills. ​ Considering children, it seems natural that they     develop skills. ​ Considering children, it seems natural that they
     have their own agenda. They explore their environment in a playful     have their own agenda. They explore their environment in a playful
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     article (Der Standard) following interview</​a>​.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2018-10-05</​td><​td>​Justus Piater gives an invited talk <​i>​Perception of Abstract Concepts</​i>​ at <a href="​http://​">​Unconventional Sensing and     article (Der Standard) following interview</​a>​.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2018-10-05</​td><​td>​Justus Piater gives an invited talk <​i>​Perception of Abstract Concepts</​i>​ at <a href="​http://​">​Unconventional Sensing and
     Processing for Robotic Visual Perception</​a>,​ Madrid, Spain. (Workshop at the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems)</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2018-09-21</​td><​td>​Justus Piater gives an invited talk <​i>​Concept Learning For Robot Intelligence</​i>​ at <a href="​https://​​congress/​quantum-machine-learning-plus/​index.html.en">​Conference     Processing for Robotic Visual Perception</​a>,​ Madrid, Spain. (Workshop at the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems)</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2018-09-21</​td><​td>​Justus Piater gives an invited talk <​i>​Concept Learning For Robot Intelligence</​i>​ at <a href="​https://​​congress/​quantum-machine-learning-plus/​index.html.en">​Conference
-    on Quantum Machine Learning Plus</​a>,​ Innsbruck, Austria. <span class="​actions"><​a href="​javascript:​void(0)"​ onclick="​showHide('​newsitem65', '​Abstract'​)">​[Abstract]</​a></​span><​blockquote id="newsitem65Abstract" style="​display:​none">​Current robot learning, and machine learning in general,+    on Quantum Machine Learning Plus</​a>,​ Innsbruck, Austria. <span class="​actions"><​a href="​javascript:​void(0)"​ onclick="​showHide('​newsitem109', '​Abstract'​)">​[Abstract]</​a></​span><​blockquote id="newsitem109Abstract" style="​display:​none">​Current robot learning, and machine learning in general,
     requires carefully-engineered setups (environments,​ objective     requires carefully-engineered setups (environments,​ objective
     functions, training data, etc.) for learning to succeed.     functions, training data, etc.) for learning to succeed.
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     Robotics</​a>​.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2018-06-30</​td><​td>​Justus Piater gives an invited talk <​i>​Objects,​ Parts, Functions, Affordances,​ Actions, and Tasks</​i>​ at <a href="​https://​​rss-workshop/">​1st     Robotics</​a>​.</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2018-06-30</​td><​td>​Justus Piater gives an invited talk <​i>​Objects,​ Parts, Functions, Affordances,​ Actions, and Tasks</​i>​ at <a href="​https://​​rss-workshop/">​1st
     International Workshop on Computational Models of Affordance in     International Workshop on Computational Models of Affordance in
-    Robotics</​a>,​ Pittsburgh, PA, USA. (Workshop at the Robotics: Science and Systems conference) <span class="​actions"><​a href="​javascript:​void(0)"​ onclick="​showHide('​newsitem70', '​Abstract'​)">​[Abstract]</​a></​span><​blockquote id="newsitem70Abstract" style="​display:​none">​Human-made objects are constructed with functional+    Robotics</​a>,​ Pittsburgh, PA, USA. (Workshop at the Robotics: Science and Systems conference) <span class="​actions"><​a href="​javascript:​void(0)"​ onclick="​showHide('​newsitem114', '​Abstract'​)">​[Abstract]</​a></​span><​blockquote id="newsitem114Abstract" style="​display:​none">​Human-made objects are constructed with functional
     parts. ​ These are closely related to affordances;​ e.g., a handle     parts. ​ These are closely related to affordances;​ e.g., a handle
     is a part whose function is to be grasped and that affords     is a part whose function is to be grasped and that affords
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