Intelligent and Interactive Systems

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people:renaudo [2018/09/25 10:27]
Erwan Renaudo [Senior Researcher]
people:renaudo [2024/11/14 18:42] (current)
Erwan Renaudo
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 {{  ../​../​people/​renaudo_img.jpg?​200| Erwan Renaudo}} {{  ../​../​people/​renaudo_img.jpg?​200| Erwan Renaudo}}
-===== Simon Haller ​=====+===== Erwan Renaudo ​=====
-==== Senior Researcher ​====+==== Postdoc ​====
 Office: T12 (ICT) 3N07\\ Office: T12 (ICT) 3N07\\
 Phone: +43 512 507 53387\\ Phone: +43 512 507 53387\\
 Email: [[]]\\ Email: [[]]\\
-External homepage:[[|External homepage]]
 \\ \\
 \\ \\
 +Interested in working with me ? Check the "​Teaching and thesis"​ section.
 \\ \\
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 === Positions === === Positions ===
 ---- ----
-  * Postdoctoral Researcher at the Department of Computer Science, Intelligent and Interactive Systems, University of Innsbruck (since 2017)+  * Postdoctoral Researcher at the Department of Computer Science, Intelligent and Interactive Systems, University of Innsbruck (2017 - 2024)
   * Postdoctoral Researcher at the Institut des Systèmes Intelligents et de Robotique, AMAC team, University Pierre et Marie Curie (2016)   * Postdoctoral Researcher at the Institut des Systèmes Intelligents et de Robotique, AMAC team, University Pierre et Marie Curie (2016)
   * PhD Candidate at the Institut des Systèmes Intelligents et de Robotique, AMAC team, University Pierre et MArie Curie (2012-2016)   * PhD Candidate at the Institut des Systèmes Intelligents et de Robotique, AMAC team, University Pierre et MArie Curie (2012-2016)
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   * 2016 PhD in Computer Science and Robotics from Université Pierre et Marie Curie   * 2016 PhD in Computer Science and Robotics from Université Pierre et Marie Curie
   * 2012 MSc in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics from Université de Cergy Pontoise   * 2012 MSc in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics from Université de Cergy Pontoise
-  * 2011 MSc in Electronics engineering (french "​Diplôme d'​ingénieur) from École Nationale Supérieure d'​Électronique et de ses Applications (ENSEA)+  * 2011 MSc in Electronics engineering (french "​Diplôme d'​ingénieur") from École Nationale Supérieure d'​Électronique et de ses Applications (ENSEA)
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-=== Teaching === +=== Teaching ​and thesis ​=== 
---- +----
-  * Introduction to Autonomous and Intelligent Systems [PS 703031 | summer term: 2018]+
 +I offer a set of BSc. and MSc. projects, please have look here if you are interested: https://​​theses/​start
 +Feel free to contact me if we have similar interests. Please attach a CV and tell me in the email what you would like to work on
 +**Remark** : If you have questions related to teaching exercises or thesis projects, do not wait for the last moment. Do not expect quick email replies during holidays or week-ends. Send your questions beforehand or ask for an appointment to maximize the chance to get an answer in time.
 +  * First Steps in R (December 2021)
 +  * Introduction to Autonomous and Intelligent Systems [PS 703031 | summer term: 2018]
 +  * [[https://​​public_prod/​owa/​lfuonline_lv.details?​sem_id_in=19S&​lvnr_id_in=703606| Master Seminar 2]] [SE 703606 | summer term: 2019]
 === Projects === === Projects ===
 ---- ----
-  ​* [[https://​​|IMAGINE]] (EU Horizon 2020, current ​2018+ 
-  * [[http://​]] (ANR-12-CORD-0030) ​+I have been employed on these projects (national or european):​ 
 +  ​Current: [[https://​​research/​projects|ELSA]] (ANR-FWF Joint project 2022-2026) 
 +  * Past: [[https://​​|IMAGINE]] (EU Horizon 2020) (2017-2021
 +  * Past: [[http://​|RoboErgoSum]] (ANR-12-CORD-0030) ​
 === Initiatives,​ Events === === Initiatives,​ Events ===
 ---- ----
 +  * Robocup 2021-2023
   * [[https://​​jungeuni/​rossini.html|Rossini]]   * [[https://​​jungeuni/​rossini.html|Rossini]]
   ​   ​
people/renaudo.1537864054.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/09/25 10:27 by Erwan Renaudo