
I am currently a postdoctoral researcher at the Intelligent and Interactive Systems Lab, University of Innsbruck, Austria collaborating with Proff. Justus Piater. My research field is robot learning for industrial applications focusing on kinesthetic teaching, movement primitives and reinforcement learning. My research is currently funded by the Austrian project FlexRop which investigates the applicability of robot learning approaches on manufacturing assembly scenarios and the EU H2020 Project Imagine.

I have been awarded a Ph.D. degree from Aalborg University in the field of Robot Learning under the supervision of Prof. Lazaros Nalpantidis and Prof. Volker Krüger. I was a member of the Robotics Vision and Machine Intelligence RVMI lab of the Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering Department. My Ph.D. research was focused on model learning for control of industrial robots.

I was awarded M.Sc degree, with distinction, on Artificial Intelligence form the University of Edinburgh, Department of Informatics. My thesis investigated the impact of internal models on self-organised robot controllers and it was supervised by Prof Michael Herrmann

I also hold a combined B.Sc/M.Sc degree on Production Engineering from Democritus University of Thrace, Greece DUTH, Department of Production and Management Engineering. My thesis was on Hebbian learning of fuzzy cognitive maps and it supervised by Prof. George Papakostas and Prof. Dimitrios Koulourioths

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Research Interests

My main research interest is Machine Learning and its applications on both robot control and cognition. I enjoy developing and applying novel ML algorithms that make robots capable to explore their embodiment and environment while they learn a task. I focus on industrial applications where robots can become capable to learn different manufacturing tasks without the need of re-programming. My research intersets include:

  • Reinforcement Learning
  • Movement Primitives
  • Model Learning for Control
  • Bayesian Methods
  • Industrial Robots

Academic Qualifications

Year Qualification Subject Affiliation
2017 - Today Postdoc Robot Learning University of Innsbruck
2013 - 2017 Ph.D. Fellow Robot Learning Aalborg University
2012 -2013 M.Sc. with Distinction Artificial Intelligence University of Edinburgh
2005 -2012 Dip.Eng. Production Engineering DUTH