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 ====== Intelligent and Interactive Systems ====== ====== Intelligent and Interactive Systems ======
-Research at %%IIS%% ​is situated at the intersection of computer vision, ​machine learning ​and robotics.  Much of our work is motivated by the perceptual needs of autonomous ​robotsand focuses on visual inference as it serves activity such as grasping ​Other ​areas of interest include ​the psychology and biology of perception, and video analysis ​for applications such as sports or human-computer interaction.+//**Making robots learn to perceive and act with understanding**//​ 
 +At %%IIS%% ​we enable autonomous robots to perceive and act flexibly and robustly in unstructured environments,​ leveraging machine learning methods to build perceptual, motor and reasoning skills. 
 +We seek to answer ​the question: //How can we enable robots to acquire the knowledge and understanding they require to interact sensibly with unstructured environments?​ // 
 +Our research addresses complete perception-action loops, from computer vision ​to grasping and manipulationusing reactive algorithms ​and/or cognitive models.  Much of our work uses machine learning to enable ​robots ​to synthesize ​and improve complex and robust sensorimotor behavior with experienceRelated ​areas of interest include ​human-robot interactionimage and video analysis, and visual neuroscience. 
 ===== Working With Us ===== ===== Working With Us =====
 +  * Check our thesis topics for [[theses/​start|Bachelor and Master students]].
 <​html><​!-- <​html><​!--
-  ​We have multiple open positions ​for [[jobs|doctoral students and postdocs]]. +//Bachelor students://​{{ ::​mobile-manipulator-crop.jpg?​nolink&​100|}} **Want to create artificial intelligence ​for autonomous robots?** Want to join our [[@/​uibk/​piater/​courses/​RC_Poster2.pdf ​|interdisciplinary LFUI team]] to compete in the 2020 [[https://​​leagues/​16|RoboCup@Work]] competition?​ Take the [[https://​​public/​lfuonline_lv.details?​sem_id_in=19W&​lvnr_id_in=703135|Introduction to Robotics]] course in the winter semester 2019-20!
-  * [[asstprof|Assistant Professor position in computer and biological vision]] (apply by 6 November 2014; earliest starting date 5 January, 2015)+
 --></​html>​ --></​html>​
-Check our thesis topics for [[theses/​start|Bachelor and Master students]]. 
-===== News ===== +<​html>​ 
-  * Emre Ugur is an **invited speaker** at the workshop on [[http://​​|Bootstrapping Manipulation Skills]], at [[http://​​|RSS]] in June 2016. +<​div ​style="clear:both"><​br></​div>​ 
-  * Emre Ugur is co-organizing **Shonan Meeting** on [[http://​​shonan/​blog/​2015/​10/​31/​cognitive-development-and-symbol-emergence-in-humans-and-robots/​| Cognitive Development and Symbol Emergence in Humans and Robots]], with Tadahiro Taniguchi and George Konidaris, in October 2016, in Japan. +</​html>​
-  * Emre Ugur is an **invited speaker** at the [[http://​​p=1707&​lang=en | 2nd International Workshop on Cognitive Neuroscience Robotics]] in February 2016, in Osaka, Japan. +
-  * Emre Ugur is guest editor of the Special Issue on [[https://​​public/​emre/​cfp.html | Computational Models of Affordances for Cognitive Robots]] in the [[http://​​xpl/​RecentIssue.jsp?​punumber=4563672 | IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems]]. +
-  * Justus Piater is an **invited speaker** at the [[http://​​ComputerVision/​3DPose-2015.html|1st International Workshop on Recovering 6D Object Pose]], at [[http://​​iccv15/​|ICCV]] in December 2015. +
-  * Antonio Rodriguez-Sanchez is organizing, jointly with George Azzopardi (Univ. Malta) a BICT [[http://​​2015/​show/​home | workshop on Computer Models of the Visual Cortex]], to be held in New York in December. +
-  * Justus Piater is co-organizing **Dagstuhl Seminar** 15411 on [[http://​​15411|Multimodal Manipulation Under Uncertainty]] in October 2015. +
-  * Justus Piater is an **invited speaker** at the workshop on [[http://​​|Learning Object Affordances:​ A fundamental step to allow prediction, planning and tool use in autonomous robots]], at [[http://​​|IROS]] in September 2015. +
-  * Emre Ugur is co-organizing,​ with Lorenzo Jamone, Angelo Cangelosi, Tamim Asfour, and Jose Santos-Victor,​ a workshop on [[http://​​|Learning Object Affordances:​ A fundamental step to allow prediction, planning and tool use in autonomous robots]], at [[http://​​|IROS]] in October 2015. +
-  * Justus Piater is an **invited speaker** at the workshop on Robot Learning, [[http://​​ICAR2015-WS-RobotLearning/​|Bottom-up and top-down development of robot skills]] at [[http://​​|ICAR]] in July 2015. +
-  * Emre Ugur is organizing, with Lorenzo Jamone, Yukie Nagai, and Erhan Oztop, a workshop on Robot Learning, [[http://​​ICAR2015-WS-RobotLearning/​|Bottom-up and top-down development of robot skills]] at [[http://​​|ICAR]] in July 2015. +
-  * Emre Ugur is an **invited speaker** at the workshop on [[https://​​conferences/​lrc2015/​|Learning Reusable Concepts in Robotics]] at [[http://​​|RSS]] in July 2015. +
-  * Justus Piater is organizing, with Tamim Asfour (KIT), the workshop on [[https://​​conferences/​lrc2015/​|Learning Reusable Concepts in Robotics]] at [[http://​​|RSS]] in July 2015. Check our exciting lineup of invited speakers! +
-  * Our following paper won the **Best Robotic Vision Paper Award** at [[http://​|CRV 2015]]: ​<​html><​div ​class="li CONF" id="​Rezapour-2015-CRV"​ title="​Rezapour-2015-CRV"><​span><​span class="​author"><​span class="​firstname">​Safoura</​span>​ <span class="​surname">​Rezapour Lakani</​span></​span>,​ <span class="​author"><​span class="​firstname">​Mirela</​span>​ <span class="​surname">​Popa</​span></​span>,​ <span class="​author"><​span class="​firstname">​Antonio</​span>​ <span class="​surname">​Rodríguez-Sánchez</​span></​span>,​ <span class="​author"><​span class="​firstname">​Justus</​span>​ <span class="​surname">​Piater</​span></​span>,​ <span class="​parttitle">​CPS3D Compositional Part Segmentation through Grasping. </​span><​a href="​http://​​">12th Conference on Computer and Robot Vision</a>, <span class="​pubdate">​2015</​span>​. <span class="​actions">​ <a href="​https://​​public/​papers/​Rezapour-2015-CRV.pdf">​[PDF]</​a>​ <a href="​javascript:​void(0)"​ onclick="​showHide('​Rezapour-2015-CRV',​ '​Abstract'​)">​[Abstract]</​a>​ <a href="​javascript:​void(0)"​ onclick="​showHide('​Rezapour-2015-CRV',​ '​BibTeX'​)">​[BibTeX]</​a></​span></​span></​div></​html>​ +
-  * Justus Piater is an **invited speaker** at the workshop on [[http://​​activities/​workshopicra15/​|Robotic Hands, Grasping, and Manipulation]] May 30, 2015, at [[http://​​|ICRA 2015]] in Seattle.+
-[[news|Older News]] 
-===== Press ===== +{{ ::iis-2022.jpg?​direct&​600 ​|}}\\ 
-  * [[http://​​panorama/​11075798-91/​fast-wie-science-fiction-ein-roboter-der-lernt-wie-ein-kind.csp|Fast wie Science FictionEin Roboter, der lernt wie ein Kind]] ​Tiroler Tageszeitung (February 3, 2016, in German) features [[@/​public/​emre/​research.html|Emre Ugur's work on stacked learning]]. +Group picture taken at our 2022 retreat ​in Obergurgl
-  * [[http://​​ipoint/​news/​2015/​|Eine Kamera als Sehhilfe]] ([[http://​​ipoint/​|iPoint]] 06.02.2015, ​in German) +
-  * <​HTML>​ +
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-  <a href="#​tiroltvvideo">​Robotik an der Uni Innsbruck - TirolTV vom 1 Dezember 2014<​span id="​tiroltvvideo"><​span>​ 
-   <​iframe src="​https://​​video/​113292313?​color=878787"​ width="​500"​ height="​281"​ frameborder="​0"​ webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></​iframe>​ 
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-</​div>​ +===== News =====
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-#​raivideo:​target { +<HTML><table><tr valign="top"><​td>​2024-03-26</td><td>Justus Piater co-organizes the <a href="">AIRoV – The First Austrian 
-  display: block; +    ​Symposium on AI, Robotics, and Vision 26.–27.3.2024</​a>​.</td></tr><tr valign="top"><​td>​2024-03-14<​/td><​td>​Justus Piater gives an invited talk <​i>​The IMAGINE Project: Robot Intuition and Understanding for 
-+    ​Disassembly</i> at <a href="">Adaptive Robotics for 
-</style> +    ​Recycling of Electronic Devices</a>, Rimini, Italy. (Workshop at the European Robotics Forum)</td></tr><tr valign="​top"​><td>2024-03-14</td><​td>​Justus Piater co-organizes the <a href="​">​Adaptive Robotics for 
-<div> +    Recycling of Electronic Devices</a>.</td></tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2024-01-16<​/td><​td>​Samuele Tosatto gives an invited talk <​i>​Beyond Monte Carlo Off-Policy Policy Gradient<​/i> at <a href="​">​Mini-Workshop on Reinforcement ​Learning</a>, University ​of Mannheim.</td></tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2023-12-01</​td><​td>​Justus Piater is a panelist at a public discussion ​on <a href="​">​15. 
-  ​<a href="#raivideo">RAI Südtirol ​Tagesschau vom 12 Juli 2014<span id="​raivideo"​> +    Europäischer Mediengipfel<​/a>Lech/​Arlberg(Wissenschaftsforum zum Thema „Künstliche Intelligenz – Fluch oder Segen für PolitikMedienWirtschaft und Wissenschaft?​)</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2023-11-24</​td><​td>​Justus Piater gives an invited talk <​i>​Demystifying ChatGPT</​i>​ at <a href="​https://​​de/betriebswirtschaft/dlc/">UIBK 
-    ​<video width="​560"​ height="​340"​ controls preload="​metadata"​> +    Digital Leadership Club</a>, Innsbruck.</td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2023-11-13</​td><​td>​Justus Piater gives an invited talk <​i>​ChatGPT:​ Wie es (nicht) funktioniert</​i>​ at <a href="​https://​​de/disc/events/discussion-piater-rath/">​Wie 
-      ​<source src="/public/videos/​RAI_Tagesschau_12-07-2014.ogg" +    „denkt“ ChatGPT? Begegnungen mit einer Künstlichen 
-        type='​video/ogg; codecs="theora, vorbis"'​>  +    Intelligenz</​a>​Stadtbibliothek Innsbruck. (Öffentliche Veranstaltung im Rahmen der Vortragsreihe DiSCussion des Digital Science Centersorganisiert gemeinsam mit dem Vizerektorat für Digitalisierung und Nachhaltigkeit)</​td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2023-11-11</​td><​td>​Justus Piater gives an invited talk <​i>​Wie kann die Medizin von der Künstlichen Intelligenz 
-      <​applet code="​com.fluendo.player.Cortado.class"​ +    ​profitieren?</​i>​ at <a href="​​id=784672">​Winterfortbildung der Universitätsklinik Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe Innsbruck<​/a>, Wattens.<​/td></​tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2023-10-24</td><​td>​Justus Piater gives an invited lecture <​i>​Ramping Up Robot Intelligence<​/i> at <a href="​https:​//">​ReconCycle Summer 
-        archive="​/public/cortado.jar"​ width="​560"​ height="​340"​ +    ​School 2023</a>, Cala Ratjada, Mallorca, Spain.</td></tr><​tr valign="​top"><​td>​2023-09-06<​/td><​td>​Justus Piater gives an invited lecture <​i>​High-Level AI For Service Robotics<​/i> at <a href="​">​GMAR Robotics Summer School 2023</a>, FH Technikum Wien.</td></tr></table><​/HTML>
-        ​<param name="autoPlay"​ value"​false" />  +
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-  * [[|Roboter,​ die von Menschen lernen]] - ([[|iPoint]] 03.01.2014, in German) +
-  * [[|Learning ​from the Brain]] - UIBK news 21/11/2012 reports on 2DSIL, ​biologically-inspired model of shape representation +
-  * [[​|Stille Welt Gehörlos in Tirol]] ​the Tyrolean street newspaper reports ​on the [[|SignSpeak]] project. ([[|20er]]pp6-7April 2012in German) +
-  * [[http://​​public-relations/medien/wissenswert/wissenswert18.pdf|Übersetzungslücken schließen]] - the UIBK supplement to an Austrian newspaper reports on our [[|SignSpeak]] project ​([[http://​​public-relations/medien/wissenswert/|wissenswert]] 18 pp. 16-17February 2012in German+
-  * [[|Schlaue Roboter im Haushalt]] ([[|iPoint]] 13.04.2011, in German) +
-  * [[​neuberufung.pdf|Roboter lernen lernen]] ([[|zukunft forschung]] [[|2/2010]], in German)+
 +[[news|Older News]]
 ===== Postal Address ===== ===== Postal Address =====
 University of Innsbruck\\ University of Innsbruck\\
-Institute ​of Computer Science\\+Department ​of Computer Science\\
 Technikerstr. 21a\\ Technikerstr. 21a\\
 6020 Innsbruck\\ 6020 Innsbruck\\
 Austria Austria
-**How to find us:** See the [[​how-to-reach-us/​|directions]].+**How to find us:** See the [[​informatik/kontakt/​anfahrt.html.en|directions]].
-**Legal Notice:** See the [[:​impressum|Impress]].+**Legal Notice:** See the [[:​impressum|Impress ​and Privacy Notice]].
start.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/17 12:32 by Alejandro Agostini