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people:david [2019/11/14 16:24]
David Peer
people:david [2023/04/19 15:34] (current)
David Peer
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 ===== David Peer ===== ===== David Peer =====
 ==== PhD Student ==== ==== PhD Student ====
 +I finished the the Intelligent and Interactive System group at the Universität Innsbruck (Austria) under the supervision of Antonio Rodriguez-Sanchez and I'm working at DeepOpinion as a machine learning researcher. I obtained the degree of M.Sc and B.Sc in Computer Science at the Universität Innsbruck (Austria) and study currently the gap between expressivity and learnability of neural networks. At DeepOpinion I study how we can transform this knowledge into novel AutoML or Neural Architecture Search (NAS) algorithms for Natural language processing (NLP) models to outperform current SOTA methods.
 [[https://​​citations?​user=THmkZOIAAAAJ|Google Scholar]] [[https://​​citations?​user=THmkZOIAAAAJ|Google Scholar]]
 [[https://​​peerdavid|GitHub]] [[https://​​peerdavid|GitHub]]
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 Office: 2M01\\ Office: 2M01\\
-Email: **d**[//​0x2E//​]**peer**[//​0x40//​]**uibk**[//​0x2E//​]**ac**[//​0x2E//​]**at**\\+Email: **david**[//​0x2E//​]**peer**[//​0x40//​]**outlook**[//​0x2E//​]**com**\\
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 === Areas of Interest === === Areas of Interest ===
 ---- ----
-Machine LearningComputer VisionConvolutional Neural Networks(Gamma)-Capsule NetworksTensorFlow, ... +My main interest is to improve state-of-the art results in machine-learning by understanding the gap between expressivity and learnability of neural networks that seems to be huge. Here is the list of the publications:​ [[https://​​abs/​1905.08744|1]][[https://​​abs/​2011.02956|2]][[https://​​papers_20neurips/​55_paper.pdf|3]][[https://​​science/​article/​pii/​S2665963821000014|4]][[https://​​abs/​2103.04331|5]][[https://​​abs/​2102.11944|6]],​ [[https://​​abs/​2105.14839|7]] [[https://​​abs/​2104.07393|8]] [[https://​​abs/​2201.11091|9]]\\
 === Positions === === Positions ===
 ----  ---- 
-02.2019 - Today   | Researcher at University of Innsbruck \\+01.2020 - Today   | Machine Learning Researcher at DeepOpinion \\ 
 +09.2019 - 12.2020 | Researcher at University of Innsbruck (IIS group) \\ 
 +02.2019 - 09.2019 ​| Researcher at University of Innsbruck ​(DPS group) ​\\
 04.2012 - 08.2018 | Software Developer at World-Direct eBusiness Solutions \\ 04.2012 - 08.2018 | Software Developer at World-Direct eBusiness Solutions \\
 06.2010 - 04.2012 | Embedded Software Developer at Heliotherm \\ 06.2010 - 04.2012 | Embedded Software Developer at Heliotherm \\
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 === Education ===  === Education === 
 ---- ----
-2019 - Today | PhD Computer Science, University of Innsbruck \\+2019 - 2023 | PhD Computer Science, University of Innsbruck \\
 2017 - 2019 | MSc Computer Science, University of Innsbruck \\ 2017 - 2019 | MSc Computer Science, University of Innsbruck \\
 2014 - 2017 | BSc Computer Science, University of Innsbruck \\ 2014 - 2017 | BSc Computer Science, University of Innsbruck \\
people/david.1573745074.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/11/14 16:24 by David Peer