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 David Peer

David Peer

PhD Student

I finished the the Intelligent and Interactive System group at the Universität Innsbruck (Austria) under the supervision of Antonio Rodriguez-Sanchez and I'm working at DeepOpinion as a machine learning researcher. I obtained the degree of M.Sc and B.Sc in Computer Science at the Universität Innsbruck (Austria) and study currently the gap between expressivity and learnability of neural networks. At DeepOpinion I study how we can transform this knowledge into novel AutoML or Neural Architecture Search (NAS) algorithms for Natural language processing (NLP) models to outperform current SOTA methods.

Google Scholar GitHub Twitter

Office: 2M01
Email: david[0x2E]peer[0x40]outlook[0x2E]com

Areas of Interest

My main interest is to improve state-of-the art results in machine-learning by understanding the gap between expressivity and learnability of neural networks that seems to be huge. Here is the list of the publications: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 8 9


01.2020 - Today | Machine Learning Researcher at DeepOpinion
09.2019 - 12.2020 | Researcher at University of Innsbruck (IIS group)
02.2019 - 09.2019 | Researcher at University of Innsbruck (DPS group)
04.2012 - 08.2018 | Software Developer at World-Direct eBusiness Solutions
06.2010 - 04.2012 | Embedded Software Developer at Heliotherm


2019 - 2023 | PhD Computer Science, University of Innsbruck
2017 - 2019 | MSc Computer Science, University of Innsbruck
2014 - 2017 | BSc Computer Science, University of Innsbruck
2005 - 2010 | HTL Elektronik, Innsbruck


  • Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer - App Builder
  • Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer - Web Applications
  • OMG Certified UML Professional


people/david.txt · Last modified: 2023/04/19 15:34 by David Peer