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research:appearance-models [2013/07/12 14:23]
research:appearance-models [2018/09/03 19:35] (current)
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-====== Probabilistic Models of Appearance ======+====== Probabilistic Models of Appearance ​for Object Recognition and Pose Estimation ​======
-{{ :​research:​teney-2013-crv4.jpg?​nolink&​300|a}} We developped ​probabilistic models to encode the appearance of objects, and inference methods to perform **detection (localization) and pose estimation** of those object **in 2D images** of cluttered scenes. ​We started with 3D, CAD-style models ([[@/​publications#​Teney-2011-DAGM|Teney et al. 2011]]), then focused on appearance-based models ([[@/​publications#​Teney-2012-DICTA|Teney et al. 2012]]). Those are trained using 2D example images alone, the goal being here to leverage, to a maximum, the information conveyed by 2D images ​alone, without resorting to stereo or other 3D sensing techniques. Our models are applicable ​both to specific object instances or to object categories ​or classes ([[@/​publications#​Teney-2013-CRV|Teney et al. 2013]]). The appearance is modeled as a **distributions ​of low-level, fine-grained image features**. The strength of the approach is its straightforward formulation,​ applicable to virtually any type of image feature. ​Appearance is represented by probability distributions ​of image features, for example ​points along image edges, ​or intensity gradients extracted densely over the image.+{{ :​research:​teney-2013-crv4.jpg?​nolink&​300}} We developed ​probabilistic models to encode the appearance of objects, and inference methods to perform **detection (localization) and pose estimation** of those object **in 2D images** of cluttered scenes. ​Some of our early work used 3D, CAD-style models ([[@/​publications#​Teney-2011-DAGM|Teney et al. 2011]]), ​but we then solely ​focused on **appearance-based models** ([[@/​publications#​Teney-2012-DICTA|Teney et al. 2012]]). Those are trained using 2D example images alone, the goal being here to leverage, to a maximum, the information conveyed by 2D images, without resorting to stereo or other 3D sensing techniques. Our models are identically ​applicable to either ​specific object instancesor to object categories/classes ([[@/​publications#​Teney-2013-CRV|Teney et al. 2013]]). The appearance is modeled as a **distribution ​of low-level, fine-grained image features**. The strength of the approach is its straightforward formulation,​ applicable to virtually any type of image feature. ​We have applied the method to different types of such low-level ​featurespoints along image edges, ​and intensity gradients extracted densely over the image.
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-{{ :​research:​teney-2013-crv3.jpg?​nolink&​260}} {{ :​research:​teney-2013-crv.jpg?​nolink&​245}} Such models of appearance have been applied to the tasks of object detection ​and localization,​ object recognition,​ and pose classificationby matching the test view with one of several trained viewpoints of the object. A notable advantage of the proposed model is its **ability to use dense gradients directly** (extracted over the whole images), versus relying on hand-crafted image descriptors. Using gradients extracted at coarse ​scales ​allows ​using shading, as well as homogeneous ​surfaces ​to recognize objects, when edges alone are ambiguous.+{{ :​research:​teney-2013-crv3.jpg?​nolink&​260}} {{ :​research:​teney-2013-crv.jpg?​nolink&​245}} Such models of appearance have been applied to the tasks of object detection/localization,​ object recognition,​ and pose classification ​(by matching the test view with one of several trained viewpoints of the object). A notable advantage of the proposed model is its **ability to use dense gradients directly** (extracted over entire ​images), versus relying on typical ​hand-crafted image descriptors. Using gradients extracted at coarse ​scale over the images ​allows ​us to **use shading ​and homogeneous ​regions** ​to recognize ​untextured ​objects, when edges alone would be ambiguous.
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-{{ :​research:​teney-2013-ip.jpg?​nolink&​300}} We found an interesting application of those models and methods in the **recognition ​(and pose estimationof a robotic arm in 2D images** ([[@/​publications#​Teney-2013-IP|Teney et al. 2013b]]). This task is very challenging due to the smooth and untextured appearance of the robot arm considered (a Kuka LWR). Moreover, the arm is made of articulated links which are absolutely identical in shape and appearance. Candidate detections of those links in the image are provided by the recognition method, and the known physical (kinematic) constraints between the articulated links are enforced by probabilistic inference. ​In the spirit of traditional articulated models, those constraints are modeled ​in a Markov random field, and an algorithm ​such as belief propagation can then identify a globally consistent result for the pose of all links. ​+{{ :​research:​teney-2013-ip.jpg?​nolink&​300}} We found an interesting application of these models and methods in the **recognitionpose estimation ​and segmentation ​of a robotic arm in 2D images** ([[@/​publications#​Teney-2013-IP|Teney et al. 2013b]]). This task is very challenging due to the smooth and untextured appearance of the robot arm considered (a Kuka LWR). Moreover, the arm is made of articulated links which are absolutely identical in shape and appearance. Candidate detections of those links in the image are provided by the recognition method, and the known physical (kinematic) constraints between the articulated links are enforced by probabilistic inference. ​Similarly to the traditional articulated models, those constraints are modeled ​as a Markov random field, and an algorithm ​based on belief propagation can then identify a globally consistent result for the configuration ​of all links. ​
research/appearance-models.1373631802.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/09/03 14:57 (external edit)