Simon Haller

Simon Haller-Seeber

Scientific Systems Engineer

Office: T12 (ICT) 3W02
Phone: +43 512 507 53201
Key Fingerprint: E3A2 8470 EB26 FCEB 5796 07A2 0C6F D316 41F4 1090

Areas of Interest



Talks and Workshops


See also Google Scholar

Open Access
  1. Simon Haller-Seeber, Innovative approaches to developing educational robots. MSc Thesis, 09/2024. [Link] [Online] [PDF] [BibTex]
  2. Thomas Auer, Simon Haller-Seeber, Thomas Gatterer, Towards the design of an interactive continuing training for software engineers in the Internet of Things sustainability using the example of autonomous vehicles. IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, 2023. © IEEE [Link] [PDF] [Abstract] [BibTeX]
  3. Thomas Auer, Simon Haller-Seeber, Thomas Gatterer, User Experience design of further training on Test automation of an AI self-driving robotic car powered by a Raspberry Pi. IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, 2023. © IEEE [Link] [PDF] [Abstract] [BibTeX]
  4. Antonio Rodríguez-Sánchez, Simon Haller-Seeber, David Peer, Chris Engelhardt, Jakob Mittelberger, Matteo Saveriano, Affordance detection with Dynamic-Tree Capsule Networks. IEEE-RAS 21st International Conference on Humanoid Robots, 2022. © IEEE [Link] [arXiv] [PDF] [Abstract] [BibTeX]
  5. Simon Haller-Seeber, Thomas Gatterer, Patrick Hofmann, Christopher Kelter, Thomas Auer, Michael Felderer, Software Testing, AI and Robotics (STAIR) Learning Lab. Robotics in Education, pp. 182–189, 2022. Springer LNNS 515. © Springer-Verlag [Link] [arXiv] [PDF] [Abstract] [BibTeX]
  6. Martin Sereinig, Matteo Saveriano, Johannes Gerstmayr, Michael Pieber, Justus Piater, Simon Haller-Seeber, Peter Manzl, Metiyan Ata, Burkhard Moser, Rene Neurauter, Lukas Possenig, David Freina, Michael Dejanovic, Patrick Hofmann. Team Description Paper - Team TYROLICS RoboCup@Work 2021 Tech Report May 2021. [PDF] [BibTex]
  7. Simon Haller-Seeber, Erwan Renaudo, Philipp Zech, Florian Westreicher, Markus Walzthöni, Cornelia Vidovic, Justus Piater, ROSSINI: RobOt kidS deSIgn thiNkIng. Robotics in Education, pp. 16–25, 2021. Springer AISC 1316. © Springer-Verlag [Link] [PDF] [Abstract] [BibTeX]
  8. Patrick Lamprecht, Simon Haller-Seeber, Justus Piater, A Block–based IDE Extension for the ESP32. Robotics in Education, pp. 304–310, 2021. Springer AISC 1316. © Springer-Verlag [Link] [PDF] [Abstract] [BibTeX]
  9. Erenus Yildiz, Tobias Brinker, Erwan Renaudo, Jakob Hollenstein, Simon Haller-Seeber, Justus Piater, Florian Wörgötter, A Visual Intelligence Scheme for Hard Drive Disassembly in Automated Recycling Routines. International Conference on Robotics, Computer Vision and Intelligent Systems, pp. 17–27, 2020. ROBOVIS 2020 Best Paper Award. [Link] [PDF] [Abstract] [BibTeX]
  10. Philipp Zech, Erwan Renaudo, Simon Haller, Xiang Zhang, Justus Piater, Action representations in robotics: A taxonomy and systematic classification. International Journal of Robotics Research 38 (5), pp. 518–562, 2019. [Link] [PDF] [Abstract] [BibTeX]
  11. Simon Haller, Über "Bildung 4.0", "Schule 4.0" und andere Dinge, die keine Versionierung brauchen. Medienimpulse, Volume: 26 (1), 2018. [Link] [PDF] [Online] [BibTex]
  12. Thiusius Savarimuthu, Anders Buch, Christian Schlette, Nils Wantia, Jürgen Rossmann, David Martínez, Guillem Alenyà, Carme Torras, Aleš Ude, Bojan Nemec, Aljaž Kramberger, Florentin Wörgötter, Eren Aksoy, Jeremie Papon, Simon Haller, Justus Piater, Norbert Krüger, Teaching a Robot the Semantics of Assembly Tasks . IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems 48 (5), pp. 670–692, 2018. © IEEE [Link] [PDF] [Abstract] [BibTeX]
  13. Stefan Spiss, Yeongmi Kim, Simon Haller, Matthias Harders, Comparison of Tactile Signals for Collision Avoidance on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. Haptic Interaction (Proceedings of the 2nd Asia Haptics Conference, 2016), pp. 393–399, 2018. Springer LNEE 432. © Springer-Verlag [Link] [PDF] [Abstract] [BibTeX]
  14. Philipp Zech, Simon Haller, Safoura Rezapour Lakani, Barry Ridge, Emre Ugur, Justus Piater, Computational models of affordance in robotics: a taxonomy and systematic classification. Adaptive Behavior 25 (5), pp. 235–271, 2017. [Link] [PDF] [Abstract] [BibTeX]
  15. Thiusius R. Savarimuthu, Anders G. Buch, Yang Yang, Simon Haller, Jeremie Papon, David Martínez, Eren Aksoy, Manipulation Monitoring and Robot Intervention in Complex Manipulation Sequences. Workshop on Robotic Monitoring, 2014 (Workshop at RSS). Extended Abstract. [Link] [PDF] [BibTeX]
  16. David Martínez, Guillem Alenyà, Pablo Jiménez, Carme Torras, Jürgen Roßmann, Nils Wantia, Eren Aksoy, Simon Haller, Justus Piater, Active Learning of Manipulation Sequences. International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pp. 5671–5678, 2014. © IEEE [Link] [PDF] [Abstract] [BibTeX]


  • Bryan Fasching (04/2020 - 03/2024)
  • Adnan Ali (05/2018 - 05/2019)
  • Tizian Müller (09/2014 - 02/2018)

(Co-)Supervised Theses

Teaching Assistance

  • Applied High Performance Computing (HPC) [AG 198711, summer term 2024]
  • Software Management for Scientific Computing [VU 198702, winter term since 2022]
  • Enabling Music II [VU 703709 | summer term: 2020]postponed
  • Connective Playthings [VU/PR 800770/1 | summer term: 2019]
  • Fachpraktikum [PR 627824 | winter term: 2018/19]
  • Informatik Praktikum Robotik [PR 703051 | summer term: 2018]
  • Enabling Music [SE 800709 | winter term: 2017/18]
  • Bridge-Course [VO 703000 | winter term: 2012-2019]
  • Introduction to Autonomous and Intelligent Systems [PS 703031 | summer term: 2013-2017]


Initiatives, Events, Misc

Boards and Organisations

  • Chairman of the registered association “brainity” (since 2006)
  • Chairman of the registered association “Natur Mensch Technik” (since 2003)
  • Member of the academic senate at the University of Innsbruck (2004-2009)
  • Member of the science student representative body (2004-2007).
  • Member of the student's counsel for Informatics Students (2003-2008).