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2020-01-03Justus Piater gives an invited talk Künstliche Intelligenz: Grundlagen, Erfolge, Herausforderungen at 47. Tagung des Innsbrucker Kreises von MoraltheologInnen und SozialethikerInnen, Innsbruck.
2019-12-19Justus Piater appears in the media: TV interview by ORF 2 Tirol Heute RedHaus (in German).
2019-12-12Justus Piater gives an invited lecture Too Smart to Be Trusted – Do I Even Want to Understand My Robot? at TrustRobots Lecture series Trust in Robots, TU Vienna.
2019-12-05IIS guest Heiko Neumann, University of Ulm, gives an invited colloquium Biologically inspired visual-auditory processing – from brain-like computation to neuromorphic algorithms at IFI Lunchtime Seminar. [Abstract]
2019-11-26IIS guest Tamim Asfour, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, gives an invited keynote Engineering Humanoids with Motion Intelligence at inday students. [Abstract]
2019-11-25Justus Piater gives an invited talk Enabling Robots to Learn Abstract Concepts at TriCoLore – Creativity | Cognition | Computation, Bolzano, Italy.
2019-11-18Justus Piater gives an invited talk Künstliche Intelligenz in einer menschlichen Gesellschaft at Robotik in Medizin und Pflege – Jubiläumssymposium des Klinischen Ethikkommittees, A.ö. Landeskrankenhaus – Universitätskliniken Innsbruck.
2019-11-08Justus Piater gives an invited talk AI Transparency in Autonomous Vehicles at Towards Cognitive Vehicles: perception, learning and decision making under real-world constraints. Is bio-inspiration helpful?, Macau.
2019-11-03Justus Piater, Philipp Gschwandtner, and Simon Haller appear in the media: Österreich-Bild: Bits und Berge - 350 Jahre Forschung in Innsbruck; TV Documentary by ORF 2 (in German).
2019-10-23Simon Haller appears in the media: TV interview by ORF 2 Tirol Heute (in German).
2019-10-11Justus Piater appears in the media: KI oder die Geschichte einer gleichzeitigen Über- und Unterschätzung (eco.nova, in German).
2019-10-10IIS guest Georg Martius, Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, Tübingen, gives an invited colloquium Control What You Can – Intrinsically Motivated Hierarchical RL at IIS Colloquium. [Abstract]
2019-10-10IIS guest Georg Martius, Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, Tübingen, gives an invited colloquium Self-Organization of Behavior in Autonomous Robot Development at IFI Lunchtime Seminar. [Abstract]
2019-07-17Matteo Saveriano contributes a talk From Intuitive Skill Transfer to Large-Scale Robotic Knowledge Bases at DiSCourse - The Digital Science Seminar Series, Department of Computer Science, University of Innsbruck.
2019-07-15David Peer contributes a talk Vector Routing in Capsule Networks at School of Learning, Perception and Robotics (SPROuT), Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science, University of Trento.
2019-07-15Sayantan Auddy contributes a talk Progress, Compress and Expand - A framework for lifelong learning of robotics tasks at School of Learning, Perception and Robotics (SPROuT), Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science, University of Trento.
2019-07-15Justus Piater contributes a talk Towards Open-Ended Robot Learning at School of Learning, Perception and Robotics (SPROuT), Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science, University of Trento.
2019-07-15Matteo Saveriano contributes a talk Learning Structured Robotic Tasks via Human Imitation at School of Learning, Perception and Robotics (SPROuT), Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science, University of Trento.
2019-07-12Simon Haller and Nicolas Stolz appear in the media: Sport und Roboter gehen Hand in Hand (in Liechtensteiner Vaterland).
2019-07-04Simon Haller teaches a tutorial Introduction to Prototyping autonomous Robots using the Robot Operating System (ROS) at Institut für Informatik, Universität Innsbruck.
2019-06-27Justus Piater gives an invited talk Selbst lernende Roboter der Zukunft at GMAR Robotics Talks Reloaded, Vienna.
2019-06-27Simon Haller teaches a tutorial Künstliche Intelligenz und Robotik - Ein Überblick und Reality Check at Campustag NMS Götzis, Institut für Informatik, Universität Innsbruck.
2019-06-13Simon Haller gives an invited talk Coding Literacy – Konzepte und Anwendungen in der Schule und im Alltag at Künstliche Intelligenz und Robotik als theologisch-ethische Herausforderung, Universität Innsbruck.
2019-06-13Justus Piater gives an invited talk Künstliche Intelligenz in einer menschlichen Gesellschaft at Künstliche Intelligenz und Robotik als theologisch-ethische Herausforderung, Universität Innsbruck.
2019-05-24 – 2020-12-31Erwan Renaudo edits a guest edition Special Issue on Computational Models of Affordance in Robotics in Frontiers in Neurorobotics.
2019-05-24Philipp Zech and Erwan Renaudo co-organize the 2nd International Workshop on Computational Models of Affordance in Robotics .
2019-05-09Erwan Renaudo contributes a talk Action representations in robotics: A taxonomy and systematic classification at IFI Lunchtime Seminar, Universität Innsbruck.
2019-05-02Justus Piater gives an invited talk Digitalization: Promises and Challenges at Möglichkeiten und Herausforderungen der Digitalisierung, Universität Innsbruck.
2019-04-26 – 2019-04-27Birgit Juen, Cornelia Vidovic, Manuela Resch, Justus Piater, and Simon Haller co-organize the RoboCup Junior Austrian Open 2019.
2019-04-26Justus Piater appears in the media: TV interview on educational and societal aspects of robot technology by ORF 2 Tirol Heute (in German).
2019-03-28Simon Haller teaches a tutorial Coding und Robotik - Makerspaces mit Einplatinencomputern at eFuture-Day, Grillhof Vill.
2019-03-26Justus Piater contributes a talk Selbst lernende Roboter der Zukunft at GMAR Robotics Talk: Robotik in Fertigung, Montage und Forschung, INNIO Jenbacher.
2019-03-26Justus Piater co-organizes the GMAR Robotics Talk: Robotik in Fertigung, Montage und Forschung.
2019-02-20Justus Piater gives an invited talk Künstliche Intelligenz in der Robotik at Smart City Finale 2019, HTL Dornbirn.
2019-01-10Justus Piater gives an invited talk High-Level, Skill-Based Robot Programming Using Autonomous Playing and Autonomous Testing at Taste Digitalization – CAMPUS:digi:TOUR (4), ICT, Universität Innsbruck.
2018-10-27Justus Piater appears in the media: Des Menschen Angst vor der Maschine. Newspaper article (Der Standard) following interview.
2018-10-05Justus Piater gives an invited talk Perception of Abstract Concepts at Unconventional Sensing and Processing for Robotic Visual Perception, Madrid, Spain.
2018-09-21Justus Piater gives an invited talk Concept Learning For Robot Intelligence at Conference on Quantum Machine Learning Plus, Innsbruck, Austria. [Abstract]
2018-07-17Simon Haller and Nicolas Stolz appear in the media: Roboter zu Besuch in Liechtenstein .
2018-07-03Simon Haller teaches a tutorial Wie kann ein Roboter lernen, die Welt zu verstehen? at Campustag BORG Schwaz, Universität Innsbruck.
2018-06-30Philipp Zech, Barry Ridge, and Emre Ugur co-organize the 1st International Workshop on Computational Models of Affordance in Robotics.
2018-06-30Justus Piater gives an invited talk Objects, Parts, Functions, Affordances, Actions, and Tasks at 1st International Workshop on Computational Models of Affordance in Robotics, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. [Abstract]
2018-06-12Justus Piater, Simon Haller, and Olaf Köhler appear in the media: Music Globe und Cubeat .
2018-06-12Simon Haller teaches a tutorial Robotics im Klassenzimmer at InDay Teachers 2018, Universität Innsbruck.
2018-04-24Justus Piater gives an invited talk Intelligente Roboter – Freund, Feind oder Hirngespinst? at Popular science talk within the WissensDurst series, Innsbruck, Austria.
2018-04-11Justus Piater is a panelist at a public discussion on AI – Wird der Mensch ersetzbar?, organized by the Faculty of Law and the European Law Students’ Association Austria in Innsbruck, Austria.
2018-04-10Philipp Zech, Justus Piater, and Cornelia Vidovic appear in the media: Roboter bauen? Ist ja kinderleicht .
2018-04-05Justus Piater contributes a talk High-Level, Skill-Based Robot Programming Using Autonomous Playing and Autonomous Testing at RSS Area Chair Symposium, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA.
2018-03-23Simon Haller teaches a tutorial Was sind Roboter? Wie verstehen Roboter? Wie baut man einen einfachen Roboter? at Campustag BG/BRG Sillgasse, Universität Innsbruck.
2018-02-09Simon Haller and Nicolas Stolz teach a tutorial Digitale Selbstverteidigung: Security und Privacy im Internet at Safer Internet Tag, Jugenzentrum Tivoli.
2017-12-13Simon Haller teaches a tutorial Build your own Mini Robot at AK Informatiklehrer, Universität Innsbruck.
2017-12-01Justus Piater appears in the media: Frage der Tradition. Interview about Open Access publishing by Zukunft Forschung, the science and research magazine of the University of Innsbruck.
2017-11-24Justus Piater gives an invited talk Scale Up Machine Learning, And Cognition Will Emerge. Will It? at EUCognition Meeting, Zürich, Switzerland.
2017-11-15Simon Haller teaches a tutorial Digitale Kompetenzen entwickeln mit Micro:Bits, Calliope Mini und Co at Programm EduMediaLab 2017, Universität Innsbruck.
2017-11-09Simon Haller and Philipp Zech teach a tutorial Wie kann ein Roboter lernen, die Welt zu verstehen? at VWA- und Diplomarbeitentag, Universität Innsbruck.
2017-10-05Justus Piater gives an invited talk Open-Ended Robot Learning: First Steps and Next Challenges at The Third International Workshop on Intrinsically Motivated Open-ended Learning (IMOL 2017), Rome, Italy.
2017-09-24Justus Piater co-organizes the IEEE/RSJ IROS Workshop on Human in-the-loop robotic manipulation: on the influence of the human role.
2017-09-15Justus Piater is a panelist at a public discussion on Die Maschine denkt – die Maschine lenkt: Wie gefährlich ist Künstliche Intelligenz? in Graz, Austria.
2017-08-28Simon Haller and Andrea Bou-Vinals teach a tutorial Bau eines hydraulischen Roboter Arms at Kinder-Sommer-Uni 2017 (Programm), Universität Innsbruck.
2017-08-25Simon Haller and Katharina Seeber teach a tutorial Ö1 Children’s University Alpbach – Science and Technology for Kids: Workshop for the construction of hydraulic robot arms at European Forum Alpbach 2017 / Technology Symposium, Forum Alpbach.
2017-07-27Justus Piater contributes a talk Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen at Sommertechnikum MINT, Universität Innsbruck.
2017-07-19Justus Piater teaches a tutorial Learning to Grasp Using More or Less Vision at Summer School on Soft Manipulation, Lake Chiemsee, Germany.
2017-06-09Simon Haller, Erwan Renaudo, and Philipp Zech present a show 1. Tiroler Pop-, Rock- und Tanz-Märchen für Erwachsene - "König Laurins Rosengarten" - Open Air at Tiroler Märchenfestival, Vögelsberg.
2017-05-23Simon Haller teaches a tutorial A quick glance at BBC Micro:Bit and Calliope Mini at “inday teachers”, Universität Innsbruck.
2017-05-15Justus Piater contributes a talk Making Robots Learn to Perceive and Act with Understanding at Lorentz Workshop on Perspectives on Developmental Robotics, Leiden, Netherlands.
2017-04-21Justus Piater gives an invited talk Maschinelles Lernen – Eine Einführung mit Blick auf Digitale Geisteswissenschaften at Workshop über Digitale Methoden in den Geisteswissenschaften, Universität Innsbruck.
2017-03-23Justus Piater gives an invited talk Progress in Robot Learning – Is Modeling Crucial for Success? at Systems Engineering - Progress in Robot Modeling - Why Modeling is Crucial for Success, Edinburgh, Scotland.
2017-03-17Simon Haller teaches a tutorial Programming the BBC Micro:Bit at Slides and Code, AGI, Innsbruck, Angerzellgasse 15 .
2017-02-05Simon Haller appears in the media: Die liebste Himbeere der Bastler. TT Magazin Interview..
2016-12-09Justus Piater gives an invited talk From Machine Learning to Agency at EUCognition Meeting, Vienna, Austria.
2016-11-26Justus Piater gives an invited talk Roboter für Menschen – Menschen für Roboter at Uni im Dorf 2016, Ausservillgraten.
2016-11-26Simon Haller and Katharina Seeber teach a tutorial Bau eines hydraulischen Roboter Arms at Uni im Dorf 2016, Ausservillgraten.
2016-11-08Simon Haller teaches a tutorial Prototyping (autonomous) Robots using Python and ROS at Slides and Code, Innsbruck, Adamgasse 22.
2016-11-06Senka Krivic appears in the media: Webportal article ( following interview (in Bosnian).
2016-10-14Justus Piater gives an invited talk Bootstrapping Complex Skills by Building on Experience at Workshop on Machine Learning Methods for High-Level Cognitive Capabilities, at IROS, Daejeon, Korea.
2016-10-04Justus Piater gives an invited talk From Machine Learning to Agency at NII Shonan Meeting on Cognitive Development and Symbol Emergence in Humans and Robots, Shonan Village Center, Japan.
2016-09-26Justus Piater gives an invited talk From Machine Learning to Agency at “Robotics in the 21st century: Challenges and Promises“, Gottingen, Germany.
2016-09-22Justus Piater gives an invited talk From Machine Learning to Agency at Conference on Agency and (Quantum) Physics, Konstanz, Germany.
2016-08-12Simon Haller and Andrea Bou-Vinals teach a tutorial Das Innenleben eines Computers at Kinder-Sommer-Uni 2016 (Programm), Universität Innsbruck.
2016-08-03Simon Haller and Andrea Bou-Vinals teach a tutorial Das Innenleben eines Computers at Kinder-Sommer-Uni 2016 (Programm), University of Innsbruck.
2016-05-01Justus Piater appears in the media: Wie Robin gelernt hat, einen Turm zu bauen. Newspaper article (Der Standard) following interview and demonstration.
2016-05-01Justus Piater appears in the media: Wie Roboter die Zukunft der Arbeit verändern..
2016-05-01Simon Haller appears in the media: Lebensretter und Rampensäue, 6020 Interview..
2016-04-21Justus Piater, Emre Ugur, and Simon Hangl appear in the media: TV report on child-like robot learning by ORF 2 Tirol Heute (in German).
2016-04-21Justus Piater and Emre Ugur appear in the media: Web report on child-like robot learning by ORF (in German).
2016-04-21Justus Piater, Emre Ugur, and Simon Hangl appear in the media: Radio report on child-like robot learning by ORF Ö1 Wissen Aktuell (in German).
2016-04-16Philipp Zech appears in the media: Print Article (News).
2016-04-05Simon Haller appears in the media: Die Zukunft der Roboter, TT Interview..
2016-04-02 – 2016-04-03Simon Haller, Sebastian Stabinger, Cornelia Vidovic, and Justus Piater co-organize the RoboCupJunior Austrian Open 2016.
2016-03-02Simon Haller gives an invited talk Tips and Tricks for Rapid Prototyping using ROS at Robotics Seminar at Boğaziçi Üniversitesi, Istanbul, Turkey.
2016-02-29 – 2016-03-04Justus Piater co-organizes the Winter School on Interactive Mobile Manipulation.
2016-02-21Emre Ugur gives an invited talk Closing the loop: From continuous exploration to symbolic planning at 2nd International Workshop on Cognitive Neuroscience Robotics, Osaka, Japan.
2016-02-12 – 2016-02-17Safoura Rezapour contributes a talk Learning Compositional Object Representation with Functionality at AAAI-16 Robotics Fellowship Session, PHoenix, AZ, USA.
2016-02-04Justus Piater appears in the media: Interview about potential for exploitation of ICT research by the Technology Transfer Center of Western Austria (WTZ West).
2016-02-03Justus Piater appears in the media: Newspaper article (Tiroler Tageszeitung) following interview and robot demonstrations.
2016-01-22Justus Piater teaches a tutorial Grasping and Manipulation at GMAR Winter School on Robotics, Graz, Austria.
2016-01-21Philipp Zech contributes a talk Grasp Affordance Density Learning at GMAR Winter School on Robotics, Graz, Austria.
2016-01-21Simon Haller contributes a talk Integrating Perception Neuron motion capturing into ROS at GMAR Winter School on Robotics, Graz, Austria.
2016-01-21Senka Krivic contributes a talk Push Manipulation Skill at GMAR Winter School on Robotics, Graz, Austria.
2016-01-01 – 2016-12-31Emre Ugur edits a guest edition Computational Models of Affordances for Cognitive Robots in IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems.
2015-12-17Justus Piater gives an invited talk Distributions of Diverse Features For Single and Multiple-View Robot Vision at 1st International Workshop on Recovering 6D Object Pose, at ICCV, Santiago, Chile.
2015-12-03 – 2015-12-05Antonio Rodriguez-Sanchez and George Azzopardi co-organize the The First International Workshop on Computational Models of the Visual Cortex: Hierarchies, Layers, Sparsity, Saliency and Attention.
2015-10-04 – 2015-10-09Justus Piater, Jan Peters, Robert Platt, and Siddhartha Srinivasa co-organize the Dagstuhl Seminar 15411 on Multimodal Manipulation Under Uncertainty.
2015-09-28Justus Piater gives an invited talk Stacked learning for bootstrapping symbols from sensorimotor experience at Workshop on Learning Object Affordances: A fundamental step to allow prediction, planning and tool use in autonomous robots, at IROS, Hamburg, Germany.
2015-09-28Emre Ugur, Lorenzo Jamone, Angelo Cangelosi, Tamim Asfour, and Jose Santos-Victor co-organize the Workshop on Learning Object Affordances: A fundamental step to allow prediction, planning and tool use in autonomous robots.
2015-08-04Simon Hangl contributes a talk Reactive, Task-specific Object Manipulation by Metric Reinforcement Learning at 2nd Human Brain Project School on Future Computing, Obergurgl, Austria.
2015-07-31Justus Piater gives an invited talk Stacked learning of affordances at Workshop on Bottom-up and top-down development of robot skills, at ICAR, Istanbul, Turkey.
2015-07-31Emre Ugur, Lorenzo Jamone, Yukie Nagai, and Erhan Oztop co-organize the Workshop on Bottom-up and top-down development of robot skills.
2015-07-16Emre Ugur gives an invited talk Bootstrapping Concept Learning: From Simple to Complex Affordances to Symbolic Planning at Workshop on Learning Reusable Concepts in Robotics, at RSS, Rome, Italy.
2015-07-16Justus Piater and Tamim Asfour co-organize the Workshop on Learning Reusable Concepts in Robotics.
2015-06-03 – 2015-06-05Safoura Rezapour contributes a talk CPS: 3D Compositional Part Segmentation through Grasping at 12th Conference on Computer and Robot Vision, Halifax, Nova Scotia.
2015-05-30Justus Piater gives an invited talk Robot vision in times of flight: RGB-D = red-green-blue is dead? at Workshop on Robotic Hands, Grasping, and Manipulation, at ICRA, Seattle, USA.
2015-05-04Sebastian Stabinger appears in the media: Robotertechnik für Blinde: Interview with 20er about master project.
2015-02-06Sebastian Stabinger appears in the media: Eine Kamera als Sehhilfe: Audio interview with ipoint about master project.


news.1617164719.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/03/31 06:25 by IIS Webadmin