Intelligent and Interactive Systems

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Intelligent and Interactive Systems

Making robots learn to perceive and act with understanding

At IIS we enable autonomous robots to perceive and act flexibly and robustly in unstructured environments, leveraging machine learning methods to build perceptual, motor and reasoning skills.

We seek to answer the question: How can we enable robots to acquire the knowledge and understanding they require to interact sensibly with unstructured environments?

Our research addresses complete perception-action loops, from computer vision to grasping and manipulation, using reactive algorithms and/or cognitive models. Much of our work uses machine learning to enable robots to synthesize and improve complex and robust sensorimotor behavior with experience. Related areas of interest include human-robot interaction, image and video analysis, and visual neuroscience.

Working With Us

Group picture taken at our 2022 retreat in Obergurgl


2023-01-21Justus Piater appears in the media: Auch ein Roboter muss höflich sein. (Interview by Die Presse (in German))
2022-12-19Marko Zaric and Simon Haller-Seeber teach a tutorial Einführung in die Programmierung mit dem BBC Micro:Bit at Campustag NMS Hötting, Universität Innsbruck.
2022-12-06Justus Piater, Matteo Saveriano, Hector Villeda, and Erwan Renaudo appear in the media: Schritt für Schritt. (Zukunft Forschung – Das Magazin für Wissenschaft und Forschung der Universität Innsbruck 2 (2022)) [Abstract]
2022-12-01Justus Piater, Erwan Renaudo, and Matthias Schurz appear in the media: Mithilfe der Psychologie: Forscher wollen Robotern soziale Fähigkeiten beibringen. (Interview by Innovation Origins) [Abstract]
2022-11-17Simon Haller-Seeber gives an invited talk STAIR-Lab Workshop One and Outlook at INNALP Education Hub Beiratssitzung, Universität Innsbruck.
2022-07-21Justus Piater appears in the media: „Es regnet, weil Menschen die Schirme aufspannen“ – warum wir (noch) keine allzu große Angst vor künstlicher Intelligenz haben müssen. (Makademia - Forschung einfach geknackt)
2022-06-14Justus Piater co-organizes the Austrian Robotics Workshop.
2022-06-10Simon Haller-Seeber, Patrick Hofmann, and Thomas Gatterer teach a tutorial Was sind Roboter, was macht eine KI? Entwickle deine eigene KI und programmiere unsere Minibots at Campustag BG/BRG Sillgasse, Universität Innsbruck.
2022-06-02Erwan Renaudo contributes a talk Deep Learning for Fast Segmentation of E-waste Devices’ Inner Parts in a Recycling Scenario at ICPRAI 2022, Paris/online. [Abstract]
2022-05-20Justus Piater appears in the media: ORF Tirol Podcast (in German). [Abstract]

Older News

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University of Innsbruck
Department of Computer Science
Technikerstr. 21a
6020 Innsbruck

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start.1676438723.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/02/15 06:25 by IIS Webadmin